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622 results found

Exceptions to spend controls (National Crime Agency)

These documents contain details of exceptions to the government’s moratorium on third-party spend at the National Crime Agency. The areas covered are: - ICT - Recruitment - New property...

Workforce Management Information - Office of Rail and Road

Monthly management information on staff numbers and pay bill costs in the Office of Rail and Road. For workforce numbers, both payroll and non-payroll (contingent labour, including consultants)...

2010 NE/Sea-Scope Marine Environmental Consultants. Flamborough Head SAC sea cave survey.

Survey name: 2010 NE/Sea-Scope Marine Environmental Consultants. Flamborough Head SAC sea cave survey. This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) - consultation data

List of consultees for consultation exercises on the Veterinary Medicines Regulations (VMR) and related consultations.

HED Consultation Zones ESRI REST API

Service provided by HED articulates, as guidance, zones indicating to planners on when HED should be consulted in respect of proposals in the vicinity of heritage assets. It does not articulate the...

NHS Referral to Treatment Waiting Times

Information on Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RtT) waiting times, monitoring length of time from referral through to elective treatment. Source agency: Health Designation: National...

Manor Road public consultation 20 January - 10 February 2022

No description provided

Vinegar Yard Public Consultation 20 January - 21 February 2022

No description provided

Pope's Road public consultation 14 January - 4 February 2022

No description provided

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's Consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling Collections in England. Submitted 13 May 2019

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

Barnet Council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on Consistency in Household and Business Recycling in England

Hospital Activity Data

Monthly activity data relating to elective and non-elective inpatient admissions (or first finished consultant episodes FFCEs) and outpatient referrals and attendances for first consultant...

Proposed changes to recorded crime classifications and presentation of recorded crime statistics

Home Office response to the consultation on the proposed changes to collection of recorded crime statistics. This summarises the response from users to the consultation and the subsequent advice...


Database of all assurance activity that MPA plans and manages for GMPP projects. It includes assurance reports and reviewer database (civil servants and consultants). Metrics from this dataset...

Exceptions to Cross-Government moratoria on spend in HMRC

This dataset is a list of those items of spend that have been allowed in HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) since the announcement (24 May 2010) of initially five cross-government moratoria: ICT spend...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Spend control data

Centrally approved new spending on property, advertising, consultancy, technology and recruitment.

Planning Casework (High Level) - England

This dataset shows all of the Consultation Directions, Third Party Requests to Intervene, Compulsory Purchase Orders and Environmental Impact Assessments the NPCU has considered for the years...

Cabinet Office spending approvals

A quarterly record of exceptions to the moratirium on spending in the areas of consultancy; ICT; advertising and marketing; property; and recruitment

Wildlife Management Strategy & Non-Native Species

Wildlife Management Strategy & Non-Native Species: stakeholder contacts for consultation & working groups purposes

Barnet response to DEFRA consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system

Barnet council's officer response to DEFRA's consultation on reforming the UK packaging producer responsibility system. Submitted 13 May 2019