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Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS)

Skills for Care's Adult Social Care Workforce Data Set (ASC-WDS) is recognised as the leading source of high quality data and workforce intelligence for adult social care. The ASC-WDS collects...

Adult Social Care - Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Care

Discontinued in 2013/14 and replaced by the SALT (Short and Long Term Support) return this annual statutory return contains details of Referrals, Assessments and Packages of Adult Social...

Spend over £25,000 in Northumberland Care Trust

A monthly-updated list of all financial transactions spending over £25,000 made by Northumberland Care Trust, as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

NHS dental statistics

Units of Dental Activity (UDAs) performed by treatment band in England Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) Geographies: Primary Care Trust (PCT), Strategic...

NI 124 People with a long-term condition supported to be independent and in control of their condition

The percentage of people with a long-term condition who are 'supported by people providing health and social care services to be independent and in control of their condition'. Source: Department...

Health and Care of People with Learning Disabilities

These are aggregated data on key health issues for people who are recorded by their GP as having a learning disability, and comparative data about a control group who are not recorded by their GP...

Adult Critical Care data in England

This is the publication of adult critical care data, which forms part of Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and is collected as part of the Critical Care Minimum Data Set (CCMDS). It covers critical...

Primary Care Trust Prescribing Data

Quarterly Primary Care Trust (PCT) prescribing data from April 2011 to March 2013. From April 2013, PCTs were replaced by Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). This data is available separately.

National Kidney Care Audit Reports

National Kidney Care: Audit Vascular Access National Kidney Care: Audit Patient Transport To request hard copies of the National Kidney Care Audit national report, please contact us on 0845...

Ambulance Quality Indicators System Indicators

Information on the quality of care delivered by ambulance services, including the response times of ambulance crews, and the re-contact and call abandonment rates of patients Source agency:...

Dental Commissioning Monitoring

Information about the Units of Dental Activity (UDAs) commissioned by Primary Care Trusts, split between those that are delivering services and those that are not yet delivering Source agency:...

Diagnostic statistics

Waiting times by diagnostic method (neurophysiology, cardiology etc.) Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: Government Office Region (GOR), Primary Care...

Cancelled operations

Cancelled operations for non clinical reasons Source: Department of Health (DoH) Publisher: Department of Health Geographies: Primary Care Trust (PCT), Strategic Health Authority...

Water Link

A network representation of the general alignment and connectivity of permanent water, including rivers, lakes, and canals.

The Local Authority Children’s Social Care Services Workforce

Contains information about staff employed by children’s social services departments in England. The report uses data collected in the NMDS-SC, which was voluntary for children’s services. Source...

Survey of Domiciliary Care Users in Northern Ireland 2009

This publication presents findings from the 2009 survey of home care service users, administered by Community Information Branch (CIB) of the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety...

Northern Ireland Emergency Care Waiting Time Statistics

This is the publication of the monthly statistics release on waiting times for all Emergency Care Departments across Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service and Public Safety...

Clinical / Social Care Negligence Cases in Northern Ireland

Information collected by HSC Trusts agencies and legacy health and social services boards on all clinical / social care negligence cases in Northern Ireland Source agency: Health, Social Service...

NI 131 - Delayed transfers of care from hospitals

The rate of delayed transfers of care from all NHS hospitals per 100,000 population aged 18+. A delayed transfer of care occurs when a patient is ready for transfer from a hospital bed, but is...

NI 148 - Care leavers in employment, education or training

Former care leavers: Young people aged 19 (i.e., at or near their 19th birthday) who were looked after under any legal status (other than V3 or V4 - see footnote of template) aged 16. in...