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Local authority dwellings let to homeless acceptances on introductory tenancies

The Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix (HSSA) is a statistical return to support the LA's annual Housing Strategy. It is mainly basic and policy orientated data on all tenures within each local...

Local authority capital expenditure and receipts, England - capital forecast

Statistics on local authority capital expenditure and financing in England

Additional Social Rent dwellings provided by local authority area

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided by local authority area

NI 182 Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and...

NI 160 Local authority tenants satisfaction with landlord services

The percentage of local authority tenants who say that they are Very satisfied or Fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord. Source: Communities and Local Government...

NI 185 - CO2 reduction from Local Authority operations

Percentage CO2 reduction from LA operations: an annually measured reduction of emissions against a set baseline

NI 182 - Satisfaction of business with local authority regulatory services

The percentage of satisfied customers with regulatory services. The term regulatory services corresponds to local authority core functions of trading standards, environmental health and licensing:

NI 160 - Local authority tenants satisfaction with landlord services

The percentage of local authority tenants who say that they are Very satisfied or Fairly satisfied with the overall service provided by their landlord.

NI 185 CO2 reduction from Local Authority operations

Percentage CO2 reduction from LA operations: an annually measured reduction of emissions against a set baseline Source: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) Publisher: DCLG...


This dataset is a product of the Land Transaction layer within ForesterWeb used for maintaining estate transactions. Ownership relates estates acquisitions held in ForesterWeb, that is used to...

File of sequence data generated from Cowslip (Primula veris) for use in microsatellite discovery

This is the sequence data generated during the development of microsatellite markers for Cowslip. Additional resource: Charlotte Bickler, Stuart A’Hara, Joan Cottrell, Lucy Rogers & Jon Bridle...

List of UK black poplar clones and their DNA fingerprint (2007-2015)

Native black poplar in the UK is a rare and endangered tree species that has been heavily reproduced vegetatively, leading to issues of widespread clonal replication. This data presents the DNA...


Forest Enterprise England comprises six Forest District boundary areas. Attributes: DISTRICT Forest District Name ADDRESS_1 Address ADDRESS_2 Address ADDRESS_3 Address ADDRESS_4 ...

Contaminated Land Grants issued to Local Authorities

List of contaminated land capital grants issued to Local Authorities in England up to 31st March 2017. These grants were issued by the Environment Agency on behalf of the Secretary of State under...

Microsatellite results from 192 full-sib offspring with 130 microsatellite markers

This data represents results from a large panel of polymorphic microsatellite markers which were used to generate a genetic linkage map for a Sitka spruce full-sib family utilising Joinmap...

Payments to suppliers with a value over £500 from the Greater London Authority

This page lists reports of individual payments to suppliers with a value over £500 made within the month. Publication of these lists forms part of the Council's commitment to be open and...

Quality Indicators of Electricity and Gas Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of the quality of the regional electricity and gas datasets. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

High Level Indicators of Energy Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of regional energy use compared with a variety of socio-economic variables Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

School destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London Local Authorities

Several datasets on pupil residence and school destinations for London Boroughs. Includes LA Destinations of secondary school pupils resident in London, cross border movement of secondary school...

Cross Local Authority border movement of school pupils resident in England

Cross Local Authority border movement of school pupils resident in England Source: Department for Education and Skills (DfES) Publisher: Department for Children Schools and Families...