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139 results found

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi TDR data from Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha, 2016

Darwin Plus Project 053 Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha, South Atlantic Ocean The dataset is under...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi breeding success on Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha 2016-2017

Darwin Plus Project 053 The dataset is under Embargo until data analysis has been completed and ready...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi PIT data from Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha

Darwin Plus Project 053 Location - Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha The dataset is under Embargo...

A74-Littoral Biotope Survey and Condition Assessment of the Tamar Tavy & St John's Lake SSSIs 2010

A Natural England commissioned verification survey. Littoral biotope survey and condition assessment of the Tamar, Tavy & St John's Lake SSSI. The purpose of the study was to establish a...

Index To Specimens Transferred From The John Smith Collection To The UK (North) Type and Stratigraphical Collection

This index is a list of specimens and slides taken from the John Smith Collection and placed in the Type and Stratigraphical (T&S) Collection of Scotland and Northern England. To some extent it...

2000 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1. Heavy metals analysis for samples from Charles Darwin Cruise 123 (Faroe Shetland Channel)

As part of Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1, sediment samples were collected at the request of the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) a survey...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi GLS data from Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha, 2016-2017

Darwin Plus Project 053 Nightingale Island, Tristan da Cunha The dataset is under Embargo until data...

DarwinPlus053: Northern Rockhopper penguin Eudyptes moseleyi GPS data from Nightingale and Inaccessible islands, Tristan da Cunha, 2016

Darwin Plus Project 053 The dataset is under Embargo until data analysis has been completed and ready...

2000 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1. Biological analysis for samples from Charles Darwin Cruise 123 (Faroe Shetland Channel)

As part of Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1, sediment samples were collected from the area designated as the White Zone at the request of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) as part...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1377, Belfast Lough to St Johns Point, (01/01/2013 to 01/06/2013)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1377; Belfast Lough to...

2000 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 Charles Darwin cruise 119 (1999) - Environmental sampling programme, final data report. ERT Report ERTSL 00/215R00/215 (Faroe Shetland Channel)

This data report contains the results of the analysis of sediment samples collected by Geotek on behalf of the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) as part...

2001 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 Charles Darwin cruise 123 (2000) - Environmental sampling survey. Data analysis report: total organic carbon/nitrogen, sediment hydrocarbons. ERT Report R00/215 (Faroe Shetland Channel)

As part of Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1, sediment samples were collected at the request of the Department of Trade and Industry (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) from Charles...

2013, Taqa Bratani Ltd, Darwin, Semi-Sub Rig, DECC Reference Number 2933

An oil and gas industry site survey for a semi-sub righ acquired under licences P184, P474, P1634 in May 2013. The block number traversed was 211/27.

1999 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 RRS Charles Darwin (119C) SEA1 Survey Leg 2 (or B) seabed survey (Faroe Shetland Channel)

As part of the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of Energy and Climate Change) 1999 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 (White Zone) Environmental Survey: Seabed survey of the...

St Helena Darwin Project Marine Habitat - Seabed videos using Starfish Side Scan Sonar

Seabed data collected using a Starfish side scan sonar, covering approximately 75% of the islands inshore marine environment up to 500m from shore where possible.

St Helena Darwin Project - Marine Habitat Data (drop down camera videos and gps locations)

Videos of seabed on (mainly) the leeward side of St Helena based upon locations identified using Side Scan Sonar to determine habitat/substrate type. Multiple locations were chosen as habitat...

1999 Strategic Environmental Assessment SEA1 RRS Charles Darwin (119C) SEA1 Survey Leg 1 (or A) seabed survey (Faroe Shetland Channel)

1999 SEA1 (White Zone) - TOBI surveys of the Wyville-Thomson Ridge and the eastern slope of the Faeroe-Shetland Channel carried out during the Department of Trade and Industry's (now Department of...

DPLUS026 British Virgin Islands Video and Still Image Analysis

Species matrices and data proformas for video and still image data from the Darwin Plus BVI ground-truthing survey.

DPLUS026 British Virgin Islands Video and Still Image Analysis

Species matrices and data proformas for video and still image data from the Darwin Plus BVI ground-truthing survey.

1958-1976 Herbert and Muxagata Solent and Isle of Wight Amphibalanus amphitrite records

Literature review of the distribution of barnacles in the Solent to coincide with the bicentenary of the birth of Charles Darwin.