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Authorisations Team Spreadsheet

Spreadsheet updated on a case by case basis summarising Secretary of State Enforcement decisions with respect to Disqualification, Bankruptcy Restrictions and Winding Up Action

Planning Inspectorate - Planning Appeals Casework

The data in this data set covers the last 5 rolling years for appeals with a decision date. Appeals currently in progress and those which have been withdrawn or turned away are not...

Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the:...


A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the:...

Impact indicator: planning authorities with local plan

Percentage of local planning authorities having an adopted local plan #### How the figure is calculated: It is the number of Local Planning Authorities with an adopted plan as a percentage of...

Hackney Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings in Hackney. Local listing is a way for the Council to identify local heritage assets and set out what about them is important. The list contains buildings and structures...

Hackney Locally Listed Buildings

Locally Listed Buildings in Hackney. Local listing is a way for the Council to identify local heritage assets and set out what about them is important. The list contains buildings and structures...

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) 2021 Designations

This dataset identifies Nitrate Vulnerable Zones for implementation in 2021. The designations are made by the Secretary of State for the purposes of the Nitrate Pollution Prevention Regulations...

Listed Buildings

This is a building that has been identified by the Secretary of State as being of "special architectural or historic interest" and as such is worthy of special protection. Listed buildings are...

Thurrock Tree Preservation Orders - points

A tree preservation order (referred to in this Guide as a 'TPO') is an order made by a local planning authority ('LPA') in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to...

Thurrock Tree Preservation Order - polygons

A tree preservation order (referred to in this Guide as a 'TPO') is an order made by a local planning authority ('LPA') in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to...

Article4 Direction Areas

The dataset contains polygons for article 4 direction areas within the London Borough of Barnet. An article 4 direction is a direction under article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order...

Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order is an order made by a local planning authority in England to protect specific trees, groups of trees or woodlands in the interests of amenity. An Order prohibits the...

Horsham District Council Advert Control Areas

Horsham District Council Area of Special Control of Advertisements. Further to the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992 every local planning authority is obliged...

Article4 Direction Documentation

An article 4 direction is a direction under article 4 of the General Permitted Development Order which enables the Secretary of State or the local planning authority to withdraw specified permitted...

Harbour porpoise Special Area of Conservation seasonal areas

This resource contains shapefiles showing the seasonal components for harbour porpoise Special Areas of Conservation (SACs). The seasonal components for each site reflect the areas and seasons...

London Views Management Framework (LVMF) – Extended background vistas

Statutory consultation arrangements for developments that might affect a Protected Vista are prescribed by the Secretary of State and reproduced in the Mayor of London’s LVMF...

Brownfield Land Register

In 2017, the Secretary of State introduced the requirement for all local planning authorities in England to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed land within their area...

National Register of Road Haulage and Road Passenger Transport Operators

This data contains information on known Goods and Passenger Vehicle Operators that run a business for hire and reward (holders of Standard Licences) within GB. This CSV file contains a data...

Statutory Listed Buildings

The dataset contains polygons for statutory listed buildings within the London Borough of Barnet. These are buildings, objects or structures considered to be of special architectural or historic...