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703 results found

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Employment Allocation

Land allocated for employment facilites as part of the Helmsley Plan. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of the...

NYMNPA Helmsley Plan Residential Allocation

Sites allocated in the Helmsley Plan for future housing use and development. This is a joint plan created by North York Moors National Park Authority and Ryedale District Council and forms part of...

Saved Local Plan Policy A1 - Allocated Employment Sites

Sites allocated for employment under the Saved Local Plan policy A1. Areas are recorded as a polygon. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public...

Scarborough Borough Council New Local Plan Employment Allocations

Extents of Employment Allocations in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Created as part of the New Local Plan 2015. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

Scarborough Borough Council New Local Plan Housing Allocations

Extents of Housing Allocations in the Borough of Scarborough as polygons. Created as part of the New Local Plan 2015. Subject to Ordnance Survey Licensing. See...

Peterborough City Council - Social and affordable housing allocations by nationality

Proportion of new social and affordable housing allocations by nationality in Peterborough.

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Neighbourhood Centre

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Neighbourhood Centre

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Access Arrows

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Access Arrows

School level data for allocated preferences in secondary admissions rounds

This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting secondary school in Year 7 for the first...

LPD18 Policies LPD 64 - LPD 70 - Housing Allocation

No description provided

School level data for allocated preferences in primary admissions round

This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past primary admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting primary or infant school in Reception...

School level data for allocated preferences in junior admissions rounds

This dataset contains details of allocated preferences in past junior admissions rounds - that is when applications are received for York children starting junior school in Year 3 for the first...

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Cycle Routes

TWBC Open Data Site Allocations 2016 - Cycle Routes

Paper File Series

The data provides a list of paper file series originating from the FSA and the number of each held in archive, as well as their function and current owner. Information on electronic file series...

Electronic File Series 2004-2013

The data provides a list of Food Standards electronic file series from 2004-2013, their function and quantity of records preserved from each. The current FSA file plan can be found in the dataset...

IT Asset Management System

Provides data on allocation of IT assets to users.

Area Based Grants

Area Based Grant is a general grant allocated directly to local authorities as additional revenue funding to areas. It is allocated according to specific policy criteria rather than general...

Client Delivery Resource Management and Allocation Tools

FCO(S) - Details of resource assignments and Project Allocations

Highland Council Local Development Plan Allocations

Allocations for adopted Local Development Plans in The Highland Council area. This does not cover the Badenoch & Strathspey area for which the Cairngorm National Park is the Planning Authority.

Local Development Plan: Allocations - Argyll and Bute

A site proposed in the Argyll and Bute adopted Local Development Plan 2015 for specified development purposes which can be expected to be commenced or delivered within the plan-period without...