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123 results found

Habitat point records from 1988-90 UMBSM Loch Fyne survey

Loch Fyne, which opens from the north of the Firth of Clyde, is both the longest of the Scottish sea lochs, at approximately 70 km, and the deepest, with a maximum charted depth of 200 m. The large...

Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC)

Overview The Green Infrastructure Areas for the Black Country (GIBC) data identifies green infrastructure, green infrastructure function (or ecosystem service) and pinch point mapping for the Black...

Seedlings growth in a fertilized forest in Central Amazonia (2019 – 2020)

Data are presented showing seedling height, diameter at ground height (DGH), total number of leaves, number of leaves with herbivory damage and leaf mortality, from a plot based fertilisation...

Seedlings leaf loss by herbivory in a fertilized forest in Central Amazonia (2019 - 2020)

Data are presented showing for individual seedling, herbivory damage at the leaf level; galls, pathogens, trail herbivory presence/absence qualitative data; and leaf mortality. Data were collected...

Marine invasive alien species monitoring data from Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Cyprus, February 2017 to September 2018

Marine fish, algae and invertebrate invasive alien species (IAS) data from Akrotiri and Dhekelia, Cyprus. Data were collected during an 19-month monitoring period starting in February 2017 and...

Boreal forest floor greenhouse gas emissions across a wildfire-disturbed chronosequence

Data collected during field experiments to investigate the effect of wildfires on greenhouse gas emissions across forests of differing ages in Sweden. Data comprise greenhouse gas measurements,...

National Cataract Audit Year 3 Data

Data for the third prospective year of the National Cataract Audit. The data was collected as part of routine clinical care on electronic medical record systems in 101 participating centres. The...

National Cataract Audit Year 2 Data

Data for the second prospective year of the National Cataract Audit. The data was collected as part of routine clinical care on electronic medical record systems in 83 participating centres. The...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project poster: Experimental investigation and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion, CSLF Call project poster reception, London, 27.06.16

This poster on the UKCCSRC Call 1 project Experimental investigation with PACT facility and CFD modelling of oxy-coal combustion with recycling real flue gas was presented at the CSLF Call project...

UKCCSRC Call 1 project report: Technology review - Marine geolocation technology

The NERC-funded QICS controlled CO2 release experiment (located offshore Oban, Scotland) mimics the formation of a new CO2 seep in the marine environment. At the site, CO2 is injected at an onshore...

National Cataract Audit Year 1 Data

Data for the first prospective year of the National Cataract Audit. The data was collected as part of routine clinical care on electronic medical record systems in 56 participating centres. The...

Invertebrate pests, natural enemies, pollinators, pest damage and yields associated with different understorey treatments in an agroforestry system, Nottinghamshire, UK, 2020

This resource comprises abundance data for invertebrates, pest damage to apples, and yields from an agroforestry system subject to two different understorey management treatments, comprising an...

Volcanological data for the Echo Canyon Eruption, Ascension Island, South Atlantic: size, abundance, density, vesicle texture and composition of pumice and lava clasts, collected between 2018 and 2020 (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

Compositional and volcanological data from a small-volume explosive-effusive volcanic eruption on Ascension Island, South Atlantic. Multiple samples of pumice and lava spanning the whole eruption...

Road Condition Survey 2023-2024

The data published within this resource represents an ongoing dataset of automated surface condition surveys which are carried out by the City of York Council (CoYC) in order to provide an element...

EPSRC project paper: New insights from 3D geological models at analogue CO2 storage sites in Lincolnshire and eastern Scotland, UK

Subsurface 3D geological models of aquifer and seal rock systems from two contrasting analogue sites have been created as the first step in an investigation into methodologies for geological...

Focus on London - Health

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**HEALTH**:CHILDREN**AND**YOUNG**PEOPLE** The health and wellbeing of London’s children and young people is fundamental to the health of the city. The recent Marmot...

Lepidoptera distribution and behaviour data from a mown boundary experiment within the Stonehenge landscape, UK, in 2012

his dataset consists of behaviour and distribution data of Lepidoptera from mown chalk grassland boundaries at the Stonehenge World Heritage Site in Wiltshire, UK, between July and August 2012. The...

Wind Turbine Spatial Framework - Scotland

This dataset contains areas classified by their suitability for onshore wind turbine development, falling into one of three groups: Group 1: Areas where wind farms will not be acceptable: National...

London Heat Map

London Heat Map --------------- The London Heat Map is a tool designed to help you identify areas of high heat demand, explore opportunities for new and expanding district heat networks and to...

Corinth Rift, Greece Fault Location and Activity Rate data (NERC Grant NE/R016550/1)

The data are derived from interpretation of seismic reflection profiles within the offshore Corinth Rift, Greece (the Gulf of Corinth) integrated with IODP scientific ocean drilling borehole data...