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425 results found

Allerdale Disabled Facilities Grant Land Charge

Disabled Facilities Grant recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Building Over Sewer Land Charge

Building Over Sewer recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Advance Payment Exception Land Charge

Advance Payment notice Exception recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as a polygon extent.

Allerdale Section 52 Agreements Land Charge

Section 52 Agreements recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents. Section 52 agreement was a set of planning obligations contained in the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 relating...

Allerdale Section 33 Covenants Land Charge

Section 33 Covenants recorded as a Land Charge and expressed as polygon extents.

Allerdale Section 177 Agreements land Charge

Section 177 Agreements recorded as Land Charges and expressed as Land Charge. Section 177 is a Highways adminsitrative charge issued under the 1980 Highways act and administered by the Highway...

Allerdale Article 4 Directions Land Charge

Article 4 Directions recorded as Land Charges throughout Allerdale expressed as polygons

Allerdale Listed Buildings Land Charge and Planning

Listed Building data supplied through English Heritage applied as Polygons through Allerdale's Gazetteer. Also recorded as a Land Charge.

Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued by location

A list of the top 50 locations in Calderdale ranked on Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) issued.

Rushmoor Charges for Property Searches Regulations 2008

No description provided

Fees and charges from Cheltenham Borough Council

The fees and charges schedule is agreed on an annual basis as part of the budget and contains details about what the council charges for its services.

CIL Charging Zones Bath Western Riverside

Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones maps for new development in Bath and North East Somerset. These identify the locations and boundaries to which the residential and non-residential...

Community Infrustructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones

Community Infrustructure Levy (CIL) Charging Zones polygon layer. This policy area is relevant to City Plan 2036: Strategic Policy S27: Planning Contributions.The Community Infrastructure Levy...

Camden Non-Domestic Rates - Charges and Reliefs

A list of Companies liable for rates since 1 April 2010, together with the charges and reliefs applied. May be used in conjunction with Camden Non-Domestic Rates – rateable values...

Rollover Relief Shipping Survey

Database to record the balancing charge from the sale of a ship that a company has elected to roll over to offset against purchase of another ship. Updated: Biannually

Rollover Relief Shipping Survey

Database to record the balancing charge from the sale of a ship that a company has elected to roll over to offset against purchase of another ship. Updated: Biannually

Rail fares

The rail fares price index provides a measure of the change in the prices charged by train operating companies to rail passengers. Source agency: Office of Rail and Road Designation: National...

Immigration Statistics: study

This release replaces the previous annual and quarterly publications Control of Immigration Statistics and the annual British Citizenship, following a public consultation. Each topic now has its...

The National Archives - Tender Documents

Details of central government tenders and contracts, including those for The National Archives, will be published on Contracts Finder Contracts Finder is...

The National Archives - Contracts

Details of central government tenders and contracts, including those for The National Archives, will be published on Contracts Finder Contracts Finder is...