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Habitat point records from 1994 MNCR/SNH Ardnamurchan peninsula and north Mull ROV survey

Remote operated video used be SNH, deployed from 'Porpoise' at same sites as diving surveys carried out by MNCR. Several areas covered by both ROV and diver-recorders at same time for purposes of a...

High Resolution Video Survey of Seabirds and Mammals in the Norfolk Area

This project uses high definition video surveys to monitor sea bird and mammal populations. The trial and feasibility study was undertaken in March and April 2009 to study different species in...

Development and Field Trials of a Drop-Down Video System (2003)

Envision Mapping was contracted by the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) to develop a purpose built drop-down video system suitable for marine monitoring work. Detailed specifications were...

Across Wales drop-down video monitoring, 2007-2010

Drop-down video surveys of SACs across Wales. Works is carried out by Royal Haskoning under contract to CCW and focuses on Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau SAC and Pembrokeshire Marine SAC.

Across Wales Drop-down Video monitoring 2004-2005

Drop-down video surveys of Special Area of Conservation (SACs) across Wales (Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau, Menai Strait and Conwy Bay, Cardigan Bay and Pembrokeshire). Work carried out by Seastar Survey...

Drop-down Video Footage and Biotope Identification Data 1999

The purpose of this data capture was to create a dataset to help with an evaluation of the deployment of drop-down video for identifying biotopes. Footage collected as an assessment of using...

A new application for automated video identification of marine species (AVIMS)

In the course of its environmental monitoring activities, the Scottish Government’s Marine Directorate collects a large amount of underwater video to, for example, obtain information on the numbers...

Mounts Bay Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2012

11 videos taken at Mounts Bay. The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Dover to Folkestone - Marine Conversation Zone (MCZ) Video 2012

33 video samples collected at Dover to Folkestone The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Markham's Triangle Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2012

21 videos taken at Markham's Triangle. The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Across Wales Drop-Down Video Monitoring 2007 - 2010

The aim of this data capture was to report on the conservation status of the habitats and species within Wales' marine Special Areas of Conservation (SACs) and enable reporting of their favourable...

Drop-Down Video Survey Location Inventory (1999 - 2010)

This is a spatial dataset to show the location of drop-down video surveys. This dataset acts as an inventory of dropdown video survey which enables staff to navigate drop-down video archive using...

2007, COWRIE, Trial High Definition Video Survey of Seabirds

This report describes the method, output and learning from a trial of a high-definition video survey technique for census of seabirds and windfarm sites. The technique utilises a gyroscopically...

Western Channel Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2012

38 videos taken at Western Channel. The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Farnes East Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2014

56 videos collected at Farnes East The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Dover to Deal - Marine Conversation Zone (MCZ) Video 2012

22 video transects collected at Dover to Deal The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Orford Inshore Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2012

18 videos taken at Orford Inshore The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

DPLUS026 British Virgin Islands Video and Still Image Analysis

Species matrices and data proformas for video and still image data from the Darwin Plus BVI ground-truthing survey.

Farnes East Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2012

36 videos collected at Farnes East The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Poole Rocks Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) - Video - 2013

42 videos interpreted from seabed video footage taken at Poole Rocks. The data were collected for the Marine Conversation Zones Project funded by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural...