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1,639 results found

Schools Waste - Cost (£)

Schools Waste - Cost (£)

Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

Schools Renewables - Cost (£)

Schools Electricity - Cost (£)

Schools Electricity - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Renewables - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Water - Cost (£)

Schools Water - Cost (£)

Schools Water - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Corporate Waste - Cost (£)

Cost of Ownership

Cost of Ownership

Disease cost sharing

Assessing the costs of future exotic animal disease outbreaks

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Estates Cost Plans

Financial cost options for the implementation of estates related activity.

Redundancy Cost Data

List historical and forecast redunancy cost data for analysis and forecast purposes.

Temporary Accommodation Costs

Temporary Accommodation Costs break-down for Leasehold Flats, Homelessness Facility - Ryburn House, Bed & Breakfast as well as overall service and central costs. The spreadsheet is broken down...

Scottish Health Service Costs

Scottish Health Service Costs Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National Services Scotland) Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: Scottish Health Service...

Prescription Cost Analysis, England

Prescription Cost Analysis (PCA) provides details of the number of items and the net ingredient cost of all prescriptions dispensed in the community in England. The drugs dispensed are listed by...

Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Schools Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Fleet Transport - Diesel - Cost (£)

Fleet Transport - Diesel - Cost (£)

Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

Schools Gas Oil - Cost (£)

Business Travel - Car - Cost (£)

Business Travel - Car - Cost (£)

Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)

Corporate Natural Gas - Cost (£)