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UK Ocean Acidification Research programme data set

The cross-disciplinary themes will result in a diverse data catalogue. The ship collected data will be in the form of sea surface meteorology (2-D wind speed and direction, total irradiance,...

EPSRC Project: CONTAIN - The impaCt of hydrOcarbon depletioN on the Treatment of cAprocks within performance assessment for CO2 InjectioN schemes

The UK is committed to meeting stringent carbon dioxide emission targets over the next 35 years. One potentially valuable technology in achieving this target is the development of Carbon Capture...

RAPID The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: Numerical model and observational data

"The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a combined modelling and observational approach" project, which was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID...

RAPID The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: Numerical model and observational data

"The Mass balance and freshwater contribution of the Greenland ice sheet: a combined modelling and observational approach" project, which was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID...

Report: Longannet ScottishPower Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) Consortium Front End Engineering and Design (FEED) - Chapter 03: Design Abstract

In March 2010, the Scottish CCS (Carbon Capture & Storage) Consortium began an extensive Front End, Engineering and Design (FEED) study to assess what would be required from an engineering,...

Terrestrial Methane Cycling During Paleogene Greenhouse Climates (NERC grant NE/J008591/1)

Supplementary material for published paper, Early Paleogene wildfires in peat-forming environments at Schoningen, Germany by BE Robson et al, NERC grant...

Flood Risk for Extreme Events (FREE): Radiosonde, Wind Profiles Data and Model Output from the Exploitation of new data sources, data assimilation and ensemble techniques for storm and flood forecasting project

The Exploitation of new data sources, data assimilation and ensemble techniques for storm and flood forecasting Project is a NERC Flood Risk for Extreme Events (FREE) Research Programme project...

Flood Risk for Extreme Events (FREE): Radiosonde, Wind Profiles Data and Model Output from the Exploitation of new data sources, data assimilation and ensemble techniques for storm and flood forecasting project

The Exploitation of new data sources, data assimilation and ensemble techniques for storm and flood forecasting Project is a NERC Flood Risk for Extreme Events (FREE) Research Programme project...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for North East - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for North Scotland - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for London East - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for North West South - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for East Midlands - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for London West - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for East of England - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for South East - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for East Scotland - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for North West North - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for Yorkshire and the Humber - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...

UK Travel Area Isochrones (Nov/Dec 2022) by Public Transport and Walking for West Scotland South Isochornes - Generalised to 10m

This data is experimental, see the ‘Access Constraints or User Limitations’ section for more details. This dataset has been generalised to 10 metre resolution where it is still but the space needed...