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208 results found

Local Nature Reserve

Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities. Parish and Town Councils...

Heritage Coast

This spatial dataset contains digitised boundaries of heritage coasts in Wales. Heritage Coasts occupy about a third of the Welsh coastline, that is 500 km (300 miles). These sites were set up to...

Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Trajectories for Hydrous Silicate Melts (NERC Grant NE/P002951/1)

Ab initio trajectories for the equilibrated MgO-SiO2-H2O melts at T = 1800 K and 3000 K are provided as "XDATCAR" files output directly from VASP for each simulation interval. Corresponding stress...

Mechanical and physical properties of quartz sand aggregates (NERC grant NE/K009656/1)

These data contain time series of stress, strain, confining pressure, pore pressure, pore volume and elastic wave velocities of samples of quartz sand aggregates deformed under hydrostatic and...

Whole Genome Sequence Data - Newbury Cats

Whole genome sequence dataset of all variable sites from isolates of bovine tuberculosis that was used to generate Figure 2 of Roberts , T., O’Connor, C., Nuñez-Garcia , J., de la Rua -Domenech, R....

Index to the UK (North) type and stratigraphical collection of fossils

This dataset (GSE_SPECIMENS) is an index of the specimens and palaeontological slides held in the Type and Stratigraphical (T&S) Collection of Scotland and Northern England. This index along...

Empty homes

This data on empty homes is presented in two sections: our original data is provided for the whole of England, collated from local authority returns to the Department of Communities and Local...

Testing the Palaeosol Model of Arsenic Pollution in Groundwater (NERC grant NE/G016879/1)

2 published papers from NERC grant NE/G016879/1. Palaeosol Control of Arsenic Pollution:The Bengal Basin in West Bengal, India by by U. Ghosal, P.K. Sikdar, and J.M. McArthur. Tracing recharge to...

National Seagrass Layer (England)

Overview Natural England and the Environment Agency have collaborated to produce a seagrass layer for English waters, which aims to provide a comprehensive geospatial dataset of surveys of both...

Weekly volume of water pumped for handpumps monitored with Smart Handpump technology, Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grants NE/L001950/1, NE/M008894/1)

This dataset contains a summary of the weekly volumetric output of pumps monitored using Smart Handpump sensors for 2014 and 2015. Grants that permitted the data collection include: Groundwater...

Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) Bathymetric Survey HI1523, Dover Strait Routine Resurvey 2016, (26/07/2016 to 05/08/2016)

Samples and associated geological data are held at the British Geological Survey for Maritime Coastguard Agency (MCA), Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP), Bathymetric Survey HI1523; Dover Strait...

Species point records from 1979-82 NCC/RSM Jura and Islay littoral survey

Jura and Islay are the most southerly and two of the largest islands of the Inner Hebrides. Their ecology and demography is sharply controlled by geology, and the marine enviroment is also affected...

Habitat point records from 1979-82 NCC/RSM Jura and Islay littoral survey

Jura and Islay are the most southerly and two of the largest islands of the Inner Hebrides. Their ecology and demography is sharply controlled by geology, and the marine enviroment is also affected...

Measurements of uranium diffusion and reaction in soil (NERC grant NE/L000288/1)

Experimental results used to parameterise and a test a mathematical model of uranium diffusion and reaction in soil. The exeperiments and model are described in Darmovzalova J., Boghi A., Otten W.,...

ONS Mid-Year Population Estimates - Custom Age Tables

**Excel Age-Range creator for Office for National Statistics (ONS) Mid year population estimates (MYE) covering each year between 1999 and...

Statutory Safeguarding Zones - Bedenham, Fleetlands, Frater - Storage of munitions

The dataset shows the spatial extent of the statutory safeguarding zones represented on the corresponding hardcopy statutory safeguarding plans. Purpose: Safeguarding is a...

Urban Rural Classification - Scotland

The Scottish Government (SG) Urban Rural Classification provides a consistent way of defining urban and rural areas across Scotland. The classification aids policy development and the understanding...

Tree Trails - Castle Hill Country Park

The Castle Hill Country Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 17 trees are all...

Tree Trails - Western Park

The Western Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 21 trees are all marked with...

Tree Trails - Humberstone Park

The Humberstone Park tree trail allows visitors to have a leisurely walk and find out interesting facts about many of the magnificent trees that reside within the park.The 22 trees are all marked...