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1,043 results found

Collections of physical samples of otoliths and scales - hard structures used for age determination

Fish otolith (ear bone) and scale collection from various species. Spare otoliths still in the packets and sectioned otoliths on slide. From market sampling, research and commercial vessel...

Collections of physical samples of otoliths and scales - hard structures used for age determination

Fish otolith (ear bone) and scale collection from various species. Spare otoliths still in the packets and sectioned otoliths on slide. From market sampling, research and commercial vessel...

Probabilistic models of earthquake location and velocity structure beneath New Ollerton, UK

The models are probabilistic inferences of earth structure and earthquake location based around travel times of P and S waves recorded at seismic stations above New Ollerton, Nottinghamshire, UK....

Structure and evolution of the Sorbas basin - dataset (NERC Grant NE/F019475/1)

The dataset comprises: Petrophysical data for rocks from the region, XRD mineralogical data, Results of the gravity survey of the basin, tabulation and location of all bedding orientation data for...

WFD Cycle 2 morphology classification

This dataset is a subset of the "WFD Classification Status Cycle 2" dataset and contains summary data for the element morphology as used in the classification for Ecological status for the water...


Spatial layer flood risk structures. Attribute of fish pass. This is an asset sub type in AIMS. It is part of the "AIMS Structure" dataset and should be recorded at this level. Therefore this...

AddressBase Plus

For direct marketing teams: take your data analysis to the next level by referencing data to individual addresses (such as flats) rather than mail delivery points (houses divided into...


Used to control and record changes to Army manpower and equipment liability, and Army unit structures. Provides data for operational, capability,administrative and budget planning as well as...

National Maritime Museum Senior and Junior Organisation Structure and Salary Data September 2011

Data showing National Maritime Museum's senior and junior job structures and salary information at 30 September 2011.

Biodiversity and structural data from hedgerow management and rejuvenation experiments in England, 2005-2016

The dataset includes data on vegetation composition, flower counts, berry availability over winter, pollinator visitation rates, invertebrate, hedge structure and hedgerow regrowth from a set of...

QICS Paper: Impact of sub-seabed CO2 leakage on macrobenthic community structure and diversity

A sub-seabed release of carbon dioxide (CO2) was conducted to assess the potential impacts of leakage from sub-seabed geological CO2 Capture and Storage CCS) on benthic macrofauna. CO2 gas was...

UKCCSRC Call 1 Project: Microseismic and structural geological data collected at Aquistore (Canada)

This data set includes microseismic and structural geological data collected at Aquistore (Canada). They cover a period from 26th April - 21st June 2015, during which CO2 was being injected in the...

Probabilistic models of earthquake location and velocity structure beneath Preston New Road, UK

The models are probabilistic inferences of earth structure and earthquake location based around travel times of P and S waves recorded at seismic stations above Preston New Road, Lancashire, UK....

3D structured light surface scan of ammonite, Lytoceras jurense. BGS GSM 26215

3D structured light surface scan of a fossil held within the BGS Type and Stratigraphical Reference Collection Sample number: BGS GSM 26215 Species: Lytoceras jurense (Ammonite) Age: Inferior...

Soil Erosion and Compaction Risk Groups

A standardised framework for classifying soil into simplified groups to assess soil structure, incorporating factors like erosion risk, drainage, and organic matter content. Attribution statement:...

National Forest Estate Recreaton Points England 2016

Physical recreation feature on the ground best depicted as point. These features a divided into eight Categories... Signage - FC branded signs, information and navigational aids, which have...

Woodland Bird Priority Areas England 2010

This data supported prioritisation of England Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Improvement Grant (WIG) from 2010 in three regions - East Midlands, West Midlands and Yorkshire and the...

Technology Strategy Board Organisation Chart

The organisation structure for the Technology Strategy Board

NI 110 Young peoples participation in positive activities

The percentage of young people 13-19, participating in structured positive activities against the total number of young people in the 13-19 cohort. Source: TellUs3 Survey: DCSF Publisher:...

HMRC Departmental Improvement Plan

This Departmental Improvement Plan sets out what is intended to deliver the long term health and success of the department. The Plan is based around the following critical themes of...