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1,839 results found

Statutory duties placed on local government

Local authorities are bound by statute. Their functions are set out in numerous Acts of Parliament and many of these functions have associated legal duties. At no point in recent history has there...

HPI - Trust in neighbours

Health Poverty Index - Root Causes: Levels of social capital: Trust in neighbours Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England 2001, Joint Survey Unit of the National Centre for...

Evidence gathered under the Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality of Autumn 2021

Data and written reports detailing the evidence used to inform the Environment Agency and Defra-group investigation into Crustacean Mortality events of October 2021. Data from the Environment...

Net CO2 exchange, evaporation and heat flux data from Alice Holt plantation tower (1999-2012)

Net CO2, evaporation and heat flux data have been collected at the Alice Holt Flux tower since 1999, these data are used in combination with the data set ‘Meteorological and climatological data...

English Indices of Deprivation 2010

The English Indices of Deprivation 2010 provide a relative measure of deprivation at small area level across England. Areas are ranked from least deprived to most deprived on seven different...

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...

Ministry of Justice Spending Approvals

All new ICT spend above £5 million or over £1 million for systems that support administration including finance, HR or procurement Advertising and Marketing campaigns that require Cabinet...

DESNZ: Ambient gamma radiation dose rates across the UK

Data received from 96 fixed and mobile monitors measuring the ambient (background) gamma radiation dose rate across the UK on an hourly basis. Background radiation continues to be the main...

BEIS: Ambient gamma radiation dose rates across the UK

Data received from 96 fixed and mobile monitors measuring the ambient (background) gamma radiation dose rate across the UK on an hourly basis. Background radiation continues to be the main...

2019 - 2019 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Exploring the potential to record species specific monkfish 2019/20 - Fisheries Science Partnership

This work was carried out as part of the Fisheries Science Partnership (FSP) programme. Commercial landings of monkfish into UK ports consist of the two species, *Lophius piscatorius* and...

European Monitoring and Evaluation Program Model for the UK (EMEP4UK) annual vegetation specific atmospheric deposition of oxidised sulphur, oxidised nitrogen, and reduced nitrogen for 2018

This dataset is a model output from the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) model applied to the UK (EMEP4UK) driven by Weather and Research Forecast model meteorology (WRF). It...

Conservation measures for individual bird species: Tenth UK Report for Article 12 of the EU Birds Directive (2008-2012)

This dataset lists conservation measures that were taken (i.e. which are already being implemented) for the species during the 2008-2012 reporting period. This information formed part of the Tenth...

LIDAR DSM Time Stamped Tiles

The LIDAR DSM (Digital Surface Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific surveys have been carried out across...

2nd cycle measures not linked to 2021 element outcomes v2

This dataset contains measures not linked to 2021 element outcomes, produced to support the cycle 2 river basin management plans. It contains English river basin districts and the cross border...

NI 175 Access to services and facilities by public transport, walking and cycling

Access to core services and facilities by individuals through public transport, walking and cycling. Source: Department for Transport (DfT) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies:...

Child Maintenance Appeals

The Appeals Tracking System is a small system used to assist the tracking of child maintenance appeals, Advanced Departures and Advanced Variations. Decision Appeals - Only specific decisions may...

Verifying the declared country of origin of timber using Stable Isotope and Trace Element (SITE) fingerprinting, to prevent illegal trade

Report contains data that can be used under Open Government Licence. This project aims to develop techniques and a reference data library that will enable verification of the declared origin of...

Drive in a Clean Air Zone service

The data set shows performance stats for the Drive in a Clean Air Zone service - DEFRA and DfT are jointly responsible for the 2017 Roadside NO2 Reduction...

LIDAR DTM Time Stamped Tiles

The LIDAR DTM (Digital Terrain Model) Time Stamped Tiles product is an archive of raster elevation data produced by the Environment Agency. Site specific LIDAR surveys have been carried out across...

Water quality monitoring data GC-MS and LC-MS semi-quantitative screen

The Environment Agency uses semi-quantitative gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS and LC-MS) targeted screening methods to analyse water samples for a wide range of substances at once. This...