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Ministerial and special advisers quarterly transparency information

A quarterly-updated list of all gifts given by ministers. Please note that subsequent data is now being published on GOV.UK and can be accessed using the link below:

Special Waste Arisings: 1986/7 - 2003

Special Waste Arisings: 1986/7 - 2003

Children with Special Educational Needs 2010: an analysis

The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Information Act (2008) required the Secretary of State to publish information about children in England with special educational needs to help improve the...

Special Advisers' gifts and hospitality in Wales Office

Lists the Special Advisers gifts received and hospitality received in the Wales Office.

Pupils by school type (special, private etc.)

The number of pupils in schools in an LEA by school type (whether state maintained, nursery, primary, secondary, private, special school etc.) Source: Department for Children Schools and Families...

Special Advisers' gifts and hospitality in Home Office

Lists the Special Advisers gifts (both received and given) and hospitality received in Home Office

Department for Transport ministerial and special adviser hospitality

Information about hospitality received by ministers and special advisers within the Department for Transport. This information and data is published quarterly.

Department for Transport ministerial and special adviser gifts

Information about ministerial and special adviser gifts. This information and data is published quarterly. Where returns are blank this signifies a nil return.

Department of Health Ministerial gifts, hospitality, overseas travel and meetings with external organisations (including meetings with media proprietors, editors and senior executives.

Department of Health Ministerial gifts, hospitality, overseas travel and meetings with external organisations (including meetings with media proprietors, editors and senior executives.

Records of meetings

Agendas, minutes, papers etc for meetings including Judicial Executive Board, Judges’ Council, Judicial College Executive Board and Advisory Council

Special Protection Areas (time series)

Time series data for Special Protection Areas (SPA). A Special Protection Area is the land classified under Directive 79/409 on the Conservation of Wild Birds. Data supplied has the status...

Possible Special Areas of Conservation (England)

These are possible SAC site boundaries. Please note that as a result of the consultation there may be minor changes to the final boundary of the site once designated. A Special Area of Conservation...

Potential Special Protection Areas (England)

These are potential site boundaries. Please note that as a result of the consultation there may be minor changes to the final boundary of the site once classified. A Special Protection Area (SPA)...

Special Area of Conservation (time series)

Time series data for Special Area of Conservation (SAC). A Special Area of Conservation is the land designated under Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna...

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (England)

A Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) is the land notified as an SSSI under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), as amended. Sites notified under the 1949 Act only are not included in...

Ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, January to March 2017

The Department for Exiting the European Union publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

Ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, October to December 2016

The Department for Exiting the European Union publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly...

Ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings, July to September 2016

The Department for Exiting the European Union publishes details of ministers’ meetings with external organisations, gifts (given and received), hospitality and overseas travel on a quarterly basis.

DCMS Ministerial gifts, hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations

The following lists the ministerial gifts (both received and given), hospitality, travel and meetings with external organisations for ministers within the Department for Culture, Media and Sport.

DFID senior executives business expenses, gifts, travel and meetings

Information about DFID's senior executives business expenses, gifts received, travel and meetings with external organisations. The information and data is published quarterly.