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An area of land that is involved in water management. Asset Sub-Types include: Mudflats, Salt Marsh, Water Storage Area See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

AIMS Channel Crossing

An asset that allows access across a channel. Asset Sub Types include: Bridge; Utility Services For more information visit the Data Requirements Library:...

Flow Compliance Bands

This is a national picture of flow compliance with the environmental flow indicator shown for Water Framework Directive Cycle 2 river water bodies. The Environment Flow Indicator (EFI) is used to...

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM006

Age of youngest dependent child by household type Table Population: All households

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM129

Student accommodation by age Table Population: All usual residents in families with dependent children

Gen Z data tables – total sample; and Gen Z data tables – Gen Z sample

These two datasets provide the responses to a survey on food including what influences decisions on what people choose to eat, and what is important to people when selecting food for example price,...

AIMS Aids to Navigation

Assets that are used to aid navigation in the marine and fluvial environment. Asset Sub-Types include: Beacon; Buoy; Signal; Signage; Dolphin See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

AIMS Instrument

An asset used to measure water level and flow Asset Sub-Types include: Active Monitoring Instrument, Passive Monitoring Instrument See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

AIMS Beach Structure

Assets used to protect the coast from erosion or provide access. Asset Sub-Types include: Breakwater, Groyne, Ramp, Slipway, Steps See the Data Requirements Library for more detail:...

UK Ramsar broad wetland types

Ramsar sites are wetlands of international importance designated under the Ramsar Convention. This dataset contains details for all broad wetland types for all designated Ramsar sites within the UK...

AIMS Building Compounds

An asset that is used to provide shelter for equipment, storage or personnel. Asset Sub Type: Pump House, Office, Workshop, Gauge House, Garage, Residential, Boat Shed For more information visit...

Influences of soil type on forest growth (Cloich 2005)

Summarising, the objectives of the Cloich project were: To identify the influence of underlying soil & lithology on forest growth of up to 30 years; To select cross-sectional discs of tree...

2011 - 2012 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Spawning and Nursery Grounds Layers for Selected Fish in UK Waters in 2010

Additional analyses to complement the original maps produced in 'Coull, K.A., Johnstone, R., and S.I. Rogers. 1998. Fisheries Sensitivity Maps in British Waters' (published and distributed by...

2004 - 2004 Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas) Gear selectivity in the Irish Sea 2004/05 - Fisheries Science Partnership

To examine the effect on catches of using 80mm and 110mm cod-ends in the eastern and western Irish Sea plaice fishery using twin-rig otter trawls. To investigate the bycatch of cod in the eastern...

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM009

Concealed family status by family type by dependent children by age of Family Reference Person (FRP) Table Population: All families

2021 Census Ready Made Table RM034

Family status by number of parents working by economic activity status Table Population: All usual residents in families with dependent children

OS NGD API - Features

OS NGD API – Features gives you simple access to the OS National Geographic Database (OS NGD). Get started quickly and request the data you need, as and when you need it, using the latest in API...

Temperature and cooling rate data for a conductively cooling 250km radius planetesimal with and without temperature-dependent material properties (NERC Grant NE/L002574/1)

The data contain the results of model of a conductively cooling planetesimal with a radius of 250 km and a core radius of 125 km. Two data files are included: one for a model run which uses...

Bereavement benefits

Bereavement Benefits consists of three main benefit payments 1) The Bereavement Payment (one off payment to payable to widow/widower if his/her late spouse had paid enough National Insurance...

OS MasterMap Building Height Attribute

OS MasterMap Topography Layer – Building Height Attribute shows building height properties to help manage assets, plan works and visualise urban density. Building Height Attribute is an...