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10,027 results found

Crime in England and Wales: Quarterly report

Presents the most recent crime statistics from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime. Responsibility for the compilation and publication of crime statistics for England and Wales...

Crime in England and Wales: Annual report

Presents the financial year crime statistics from the British Crime Survey and police recorded crime. Source agency: Home Office Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative...

Armed Forces Psychiatric Morbidity Report

Statistics on psychiatric morbidity in the Armed Forces. As of 31 March 2010, this report will be published under the new title of 'Armed Forces Mental Health Report' Source agency:...

Roads Service Customer Satisfaction Report

Customers' opinions of the services provided by Roads Service in Northern Ireland. This includes key services such as gritting, road drainage, street lighting, safety measures, provision made for...

GB Reported Bicycling Accident Locations

UK Government official data on the locations of bicycling accidents reported to the police for the years 2005-7 on roads around Great Britain.

Diversity Data, SAP Reports and Downloads

Diversity data for all Department for Transport central staff available - Age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, name, location, directorate, etc. Data from System Applications & Products...

Defence Irregularity Reporting Cell Database

Reports of suspected Fraud submitted to the DIR Cell.  All stored on Magic Database which holds personal data relelvant to witnesses, persons of interest, investiating officers, investigation...

DFID Annual Report 2011-2012

The Annual report meets the department’s obligation to report on its activities and progress toward the Millennium Development Goals under the International Development (Reporting and Transparency)...

Strategic export controls: reports and statistics

No description provided

Foreign & Commonwealth Office Annual Report

This data relates to FCO Annual Report accounts.

Performance Dashboard Pig movement reports

This dashboard shows information about how the Pig movement reports service is currently performing. This is a "beta" service. The dashboard shows number of digital transactions, total cost of...

Defra Human Resources Starters Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Leavers Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

Defra Human Resources Secondments Report

This report was generated by the Defra Human Resources Team prior to the introduction of the single operating system. The assessment is that this report contains personal data. Attribution...

eAML2 Pig Movement System - monthly moves by type (paper or electronic) and average consignment size

PLEASE NOTE: As of 25th May 2023 this catalog/data-sets is no longer updated and has been Retired. Data reports on monthly pig movements by type (paper or electronic) and average consignment...

Benchmarking pay data used for reports across civil service and private sector

Pay club data on Other Government Departments pay rates and private sector comparators. Updated: annually.

Crown Prosecution Service Violence Against Women and Girls Report 2012-2013

Underlying data from the sixth CPS report into Violence Against Women and Girls 2012-2013

Personal Social Services Staff of Social Services Departments England at 30 September 2010

The report contains information on all staff directly employed by social services departments Both headcount and whole time equivalent (WTE) information is shown by type of job and care setting,...

Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13

This data is derived directly from the Cabinet Office Annual Report and Accounts 2012-13 (for the year ended 31 March 2013), first published on the Cabinet Office website in July 2013. The title of...

Crown Prosecution Service Annual Report Data 2009-2010/Regional Expenditure 2010

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