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16,401 results found

Childcare Providers

Details of childcare providers in Barnet

Provider database

Contains personal contact details for all contracted providers to enable them to receive Update

FGS Target Area - Woodlands for Riparian Benefits

This dataset identifies the target areas where a higher Forestry Grant Scheme payment rate is available for creation of new riparian woodlands. The Woodlands for Riparian Benefits target area...

Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings provided...

Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings provided...

Additional affordable dwellings provided (by LA providing funding) (annual)

Statistics on: Additional social rented homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional intermediate affordable homes provided (by LA providing funding) Additional affordable dwellings provided...

Outstanding providers list

The outstanding providers list includes early years registered providers, maintained schools, independent schools, colleges and providers of work-based learning, adult education and children’s...

National Archives - Sustainable Development Targets

See information regarding The National Archives' sustainable development targets for 2011-12.

Provider allocation comparisons

Yorkshire and Humber Provider allocation comparisons

Provider allocation statements

Provider allocation statements contains sensitive financial information.

Provider audit reports

Provider audit reports: May contain personal Learner details.

ChildCare Providers

The web-link below is a live link and search facility to the wide choice of childcare providers in Calderdale that offer different services to suit your family’s needs. Many have provided...

ITT Provider list

Details of historical and current Initial Teacher Training Providers

Social care providers

This is a report of social care providers in England that are registered with and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

Additional Homes Provided

This shows the number of additional homes (net) provided in Colchester borough These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end

Additional Homes Provided

This shows the number of additional homes (net) provided in Colchester borough These figures are published every 6 months, at the half year and year end

Higher Level Stewardship Target Areas (England)

A set of targeting maps to increase the environmental benefits delivered through Higher Level Stewardship. This data aims to help secure the most appropriate management in geographic areas where...

Provider Referrals and Payments

The Provider Referrals and Payments system provides a single repository of Contracted Employment Programmes data including Providers, contracts, services and charges. Information on Provider...

End of Life Vehicles targets database

A listing of the annual reuse, recycling and recovery target performance achieved by vehicle manufacturers and Authorised Testing Facilities (ATFs)

Climate Change Agreements - Target Unit Performance Data

The Climate Change Agreements (Administration) Regulations 2012 require the administrator to publish a report setting out the energy efficiency improvements and emissions reductions achieved by...