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13,240 results found

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Stamp Duties

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Research and Development Tax Credits

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Non domestic rating in England and Wales

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Taxable benefits in kind and expenses payments

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Employee Share Schemes

Provides general information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and structural...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Tax receipts and taxpayers

Provides monthly and quarterly information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and...

Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Child Benefit Statistics

Provides monthly and quarterly information on all HMRC taxes, including tax receipts, the number of taxpayers, personal tax credits, child benefit and estimates of the cost of tax expenditures and...

FSA Subject Access Requests

This dataset is an abridged version of the Information Management and Security Team Subject Access Requests Log. The log is used to record, track and report on the Subject Access Requests made to...

Tax Credits: Net payments

Provides monthly and annual historical records on all HMRC Tax & NIC receipts, and Tax Credit payments. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal Tax Credits'. Source...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Error and Fraud

An annual measure of the levels of error and fraud in finalised Tax Credt awards. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits: Personal Tax Credits'. Source agency: HM Revenue and...

Master list for Cadet Force Adult Volunt

Personal Files, A list of personal contact information for all the Adults (schools and other) that volunteer to be officers and help out with CCF/SCC/Sea Scouts.

National Security Vetting Database

Extensive and detailed personal information and personal history including those of family, other relationships, financial details, criminal records of Departmental Staff for the purpose of gaining...

Child Maintenance

Child maintenance is financial support that helps towards a child’s everyday living costs when the parents have separated. The parent who doesn’t have day-to-day care of the child (the ‘paying...

Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit Statistics, Provisional

Detailed view of Tax Credits customers and their entitlement at snapshot points in time in April or December; includes geographical breakdown at country, region, local authority and parliamentary...

All personal data per GCDA member of staff

All personal details of Government Car and Despatch Agency (GCDA) staff held on Human Resource system.

Personal consumer debt - County Court Judgements (CCJs)

Information on the total amount of debt has been complemented by details on the overall number of County Court Judgments (CCJs) together with supplementary breakdowns by amount. Source: Registry...

Family composition by age of Family Reference Person (FRP)

Age of head of household broken down by who lives in a household (pensioner, student, lone parent etc.) . Census Area Statistics Table CAS011 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies:...

NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by tenure

NS-SeC of Household Reference Person (HRP) by tenure. Census Area Statistics Table CAS046 Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Nomis Geographies: Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Middle Layer...

1971 - 100% Census personal data, Enumeration Order

Historical Data

1971 - 10% Census personal data for Fertility tables

Analysis and Extracts