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203 results found

Children’s Centre Attendances

Attendance data for Children’s Centres in Calderdale including overall number of attendances, parents, families, children 0-4 years old and broken down by location.

Age of Household Reference Person (HRP) by sex and marital status (headship)

Population broken down by age, gender and whether single or married. Data is counted for the household head only. Census Area Statistics Table CAS003 Source: Census 2001 Publisher:...

Transgenerational Ethnicity

A briefing note on the methodology for estimating the probability of a child's ethnicity based on the ethnicity of it's parents (transgenerational ethnicity). This report was first published by...

Barnet Parking Traffic Management Orders (TMOs)

Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) are legal documents drafted and made by the council, usually under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. They regulate the use of highways for movement and parking...

Special Health Authority Sites and Other Statutory Authorities

Several different organisation types which either did not warrant their own dedicated file at the point of creation, or did not easily fit within an existing file. Contains: Codes for:...

Flood affected properties

A dataset highlighting properties affected by the recent flooding in the Leeds region broken down by postcode sector. Please note ----------- Properties described as flats may have partially...

Admissions Appeals Survey

The Admissions appeals survey is a statutory survey collected from local authorities and covers all primary and secondary level schools which are under local authority control i.e. community and...

Model estimates of topsoil moisture [Countryside Survey]

Topsoil moisture data - gravimetric moisture content (%). Data is representative of 0 - 15 cm soil depth. Cores from 1098 plots within 256 1km by 1km squares were measured in 1998 and 2614 plots...

Model estimates of topsoil invertebrates [Countryside Survey]

Countryside Survey topsoil invertebrate data is representative of 0 - 8 cm soil depth and includes Total catch, Mite:Springtail ratio, Number of broad taxa and Shannon diversity. For invertebrate...

Secondary School Catchments (non denominational) - Moray

In Moray, the education authority discharges its duty to secure adequate and efficient education for the local authority area by operating a “catchment area” system to enable parents/carers to...

Primary School Catchments (non denominational) - Moray

In Moray, the education authority discharges its duty to secure adequate and efficient education for the local authority area by operating a “catchment area” system to enable parents/carers to...

Model estimates of topsoil nutrients [Countryside Survey]

Topsoil nutrient data - total nitrogen (N) concentration (%), C:N ratio and Olsen-Phosphorus (mg/kg). Data is representative of 0 - 15 cm soil depth. Cores from 256 1km x 1km squares across Great...

Care to Learn, Learner Attendance and Childcare Provider Attendance Monitoring

For the Care to Learn Student Support Scheme monthly attendance monitoring is undertaken to ensure the young parent and their child remain in education and childcare (respectively). This data is...

Primary School Catchments 01/01/2016 - 13/08/2017 (non denominational) - Moray

Primary School Catchments 01/01/2016 - 13/08/2017 (Moray) (non denominational) In Moray, the education authority discharges its duty to secure adequate and efficient education for the local...

Secondary School Catchments 24/04/1996 - 23/10/2016 (non denominational) - Moray

Secondary School Catchments 24/04/1996 - 23/10/2016 (Moray) (non denominational) In Moray, the education authority discharges its duty to secure adequate and efficient education for the local...

Secondary School Catchments 24/10/2016 - 13/08/2017 (non denominational) - Moray

Secondary School Catchments 24/10/2016 - 13/08/2017 (Moray) (non denominational) In Moray, the education authority discharges its duty to secure adequate and efficient education for the local...

Primary School Catchments 24/04/1996 - 31/12/2015 (non denominational) - Moray

Primary School Catchments 24/04/1996 - 31/12/2015 (Moray) (non denominational) In Moray, the education authority discharges its duty to secure adequate and efficient education for the local...

Bradford schools

Bradford school dataset. This dataset includes * The information relates to school fines for the academic years 2015-16 and 2016-17. * Primary School Admission Arrangements - The...

Children's media literacy report

Annual report on children's media literacy in the UK. This report provides detailed evidence on media use, attitudes and understanding among children and young people aged 5-15, as well as detailed...

Current and past Net Capacity Figures for schools in York

This dataset includes current and past Net Capacity Figures for schools in York. Net Capacities are calculated from room use and room size of school buildings. For further information and...