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Non-domestic energy efficieny pilot dataset (food retail)

Survey data of energy use in food retail

Employment rate gap between deprived and non-deprived neighbourhoods

The employment rate in deprived neighbourhoods and non-deprived neighbourhoods from the Annual Population Survey. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: Official Statistics...

Payroll costs and non-consolidated pay data in Cabinet Office

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in Cabinet Office & Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for Cabinet Office in respect of the performance year...

Collection Rates for Council Tax and Non Domestic Rates, England

Press release relating to council tax and non-domestic rates collection rates by local billing authority. Source agency: Communities and Local Government Designation: National...

Payroll costs and non-consolidated pay data in the Department of Health

Monthly management information on staff numbers and paybill costs in the Department of Health & Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for the Department of Health in respect of the...

DFID Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay - Public Body

DFID Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay - Performance Year 2010 - 2011

Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay - Department for Work and Pensions

Publication of information on Non-consolidated Performance Related Pay data for departments and their agencies in respect of the performance year 2010-11and 2011-12

Non-consolidated performance related payments for the FCO and FCO Services

Non-consolidated performance related payment to FCO Staff and FCO Services Staff

MOD non-consolidated performance related pay 2017 to 2018

Data on non-consolidated performance related payments in the Ministry of Defence.

NHS Workforce Statistics: Non-Medical Staff

A detailed view of the NHS non-medical workforce including nurses, scientists and support staff. Excluding medical or dental doctors within the Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) and...

At sea densities of shag in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for shag, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of razorbill in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for razorbill, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of puffin in the non-breeding season

This spatial dataset contains krigged density surfaces for puffin in the non-breeding season, in UK waters. Density surface maps were created by modelling ESAS data in order to identify regular...

At sea densities of guillemot in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for guillemot, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of gannet in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for gannet, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of kittiwake in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for kittiwake, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of fulmar in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for fulmar, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

At sea densities of cormorant in the non-breeding season

Krigged density surfaces for cormorant, in the non-breeding season. Covers UK waters and uses ESAS data.

WEEE Received Non-Obligated UK Summary

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA314. WEEE Received Non-Obligated UK Summary contains data reported by Approved Authorised Treatment Facilities (AATFs) and Approved Exporters (AEs)...

Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office: Non-consolidated performance related pay

FCDO aggregated information on annual spend on non-consolidated performance-related payments (in-year and end-year) for (Senior Civil Service and delegated grades) from 1 April to 31 March. This...