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NHS Referral to Treatment Waiting Times

Information on Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RtT) waiting times, monitoring length of time from referral through to elective treatment. Source agency: Health Designation: National...

NHS Reference Costs 2009-10

NHS Reference Costs data shows how, and on what, almost £51 billion of NHS expenditure was used in the 2009-10 financial year.

Hospital Episode Statistics (HES): Admitted patient care - other details

Hospital Episodes Statistics (HES) is a data warehouse containing records of all patients admitted to NHS hospitals in England. It contains details of every hospital stay in English NHS Hospitals...

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers

Independent Sector Healthcare Providers Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Providers (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from those...

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites

Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites Contains: Ephp.csv contains parent Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites (ISHPs). Note that ISHPs are considered slightly different from...

General Ophthalmic Services: Workforce statistics

This report shows the number of ophthalmic practitioners (Optometrists and Ophthalmic Medical Practitioners) who were authorised, by NHS England Area Teams (AT) in England and Local Health Boards...

General Practice Patient Survey Dental Statistics

Statistics on the results of the GP Patient Survey’s newly added dental questions. Questions relate to patients’ access to NHS dental care. Source agency: NHS England Designation: Official...

Patient experience of dental services (NHSOF 4a.iii)

This indicator measures the weighted percentage of people who report their overall experience of NHS dental services as ‘fairly good’ or ‘very good’. Purpose This indicator aims to capture the...

A&E weekly data

The total number of attendances in the week for all A&E types, including Minor Injury Units and Walk-in Centres, and of these, the number discharged, admitted or transferred within four hours...

Integrated Performance Measures Monitoring

Monitors how PCTs perform against measures in the following areas: CHD-Diabetic retinopathy; CHD-NHS Health Checks; Older people-Delayed Discharge; Health Improvement-Maternity; Health...

National Diabetes Audit: Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia, Diabetes Prevention Programme

The NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (NHS DPP) is a joint commitment from NHS England & Improvement, Public Health England (now Office for Health Improvement and Disparities) and Diabetes UK...

GP Earnings and Expenses

The GP Earnings and Expenses Enquiries (EEQs) provide a detailed study of the earnings and expenses of both contractor and salaried GPs in the UK. The reports are agreed by the Technical Steering...

Learning Disabilities Quarterly Census

This statistical release relates to the position at the end of each quarter for patients with learning disabilities receiving inpatient care commissioned by the NHS in England. Note: Quarter...

Diagnostic Imaging Dataset Statistics

Provisional monthly data on diagnostic imaging tests on NHS patients in England. Includes estimates of GP usage of direct access to chest imaging, non-obstetric ultrasound and MRI brain scans which...

Patient Experience Overall Measure

Consolidates results from surveys in the National Patient Survey Programme to give overall experience scores (out of 100) for the NHS against 5 broad headings. The Department of Health was...

Treatment Centres

Treatment Centres Contains: NHS Trust Sites and Independent Sector Healthcare Provider Sites are able to have a classification or ‘Subtype’ added to them which denotes that they are...

Investment in General Practice

This report details the investment in General Practice in the UK. The report draws on information obtained from country level financial monitoring reports discussed and agreed by the Technical...

NHS Inpatient and Outpatient Waiting Times, England

Waiting times or waiting list statistics. Source agency: Health Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title: NHS Inpatient and Outpatient Waiting Times, England

Patient Environment Action Team (PEAT)

PEAT (Patient Environment Action Team) was introduced in April 2001 as a direct response to the NHS Plan. Under the programme, every NHS inpatient healthcare facility in England with more than ten...

National Diabetes Audit

This series contains publications from the National Diabetes Core Audit. The National Diabetes Audit (NDA) is part of the National Clinical Audit and Patient Outcomes Programme (NCAPOP) which is...