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236 results found

Air Quality - PM10 - Annual Mean

This dataset contains the Annual Mean Objective for PM10 (Particulate Matter) in Leicester City.  The annual mean is not to exceed 40µg/m3.Terms used in the dataset:TEOM = Tapered Element...

Sandwell MBC Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Location of Air Quality Monitoring Stations within Sandwell Metropolitan Borough. The Council has a duty under the Environment Act 1995 to review and assess air quality within it's borough. In...

Noise nuisance - daytime

This dataset shows all noise nuisance reports in office hours (08:00 - 18:00). These incidents are typically ongoing matters which once reported will be investigated. For...

Neighbourhood Representative Structures

Neighbourhood Representative Structures are supported and recognised by Dundee City Council in a similar way to Community Councils, and both have a right to consultation on matters relating to...

Waste Exemptions

This dataset contains a summary of numbers of exemptions by paragraph type and a detailed site list for England. A simple waste registration or exemption is a waste operation that is exempt from...

Air Quality - PM10 - 24 hour Mean

This dataset contains the 24 hour Mean for PM10 (Particulate Matter) in Leicester City.  The 24 hour mean is not to exceed 50µg/m3.  35 exceedances are permitted per year.Terms used in the...

Elemental concentrations in representative species of the ICRP's Reference Animals and Plants and associated soils in terrestrial Mediterranean ecosystems in Spain

Data comprise stable element concentrations in terrestrial Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) and corresponding whole-body concentration ratios determined in two different Mediterranean...

Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay gap report for Calderdale Council published as part of our [Public Sector Equality...

Air Quality Management Areas

In May 1997 the Government produced the National Air Quality Strategy (NAQS). The strategy represents a comprehensive approach to maintaining and improving the quality of ambient air in the United...

Pendle Council Constitution

The Constitution sets out how we operate, how decisions are made and the procedures which are followed to ensure that these are efficient, transparent and accountable to local people. Some of...

Council Current Spending

Due to the unprecedented circumstances we are facing during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, it may not be possible for us to meet the timescales stipulated with regard to Council Spend Data...

Expenditure exceeding £500

We are committed to publishing our spending information in accordance with central government's wishes. The files below show payments made to suppliers by the Council that are over £500 in value....

Pay Policy

In accordance with the requirements of the Localism Act 2011, the council has agreed a pay policy statement that covers a number of matters concerning the pay of the authority's staff, principally...

GP recorded obesity rates

A dataset providing data on GP recorded obesity rates.  Obesity is a term used to describe somebody who is very overweight, with a lot of body fat. It's a common problem, estimated to affect...

Sandwell MBC Continuous Air Quality Assessment -Annual Mean Pollutant Concentrations

Location of sites where air quality monitoring has been undertaken and the annual mean concentration for a range of pollutants has been calculated by Sandwell Metropolitan Borough Council. The...

FOI CCF-5485 Re-provision on Elderly Persons Homes

Date of Request: 21/1/15 Date of Answer: 25/2/15 Request: "All email and paper records of discussions regarding the EPH re-provision between the responsible cabinet member and other...

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework

The Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework (ASCOF) measures how well care and support services achieve the outcomes that matter most to people. The measures are grouped into four...

National Collection of Plant Pathogenic Bacteria (NCPPB)

An international reference culture collection underpinning Fera diagnostics, research and development, and collaboration with international institutes on plant health matters and statutory...

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) - EXTERNAL

The Government requests all Local Planning Authorities to keep an up to date Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment. A Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) is the process...

Mill Road Cambridge: Monitoring Air Quality

Cambridge City Council has been awarded grant funding from Defra to purchase new equipment to monitor air quality in and around and the Mill Road area. This data is also been used to understand the...