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123 results found

Vegetation chemistry data from Climoor fieldsite in Clocaenog Forest

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. This dataset includes vegetation chemistry data from the experimental plots at the Climoor field site in the Clocaenog Forest, NE Wales. It also includes data...

High-resolution time series of turbidity, suspended sediment concentration, total phosphorus concentration, and discharge in the Littlestock Brook, England, 2017-2021

This dataset contains high-resolution (5-minute) discharge, turbidity, suspended sediment concentration, and total phosphorus concentration data measured at three stream sites in the Littlestock...

Seedlings leaf loss by herbivory in a fertilized forest in Central Amazonia (2019 - 2020)

Data are presented showing for individual seedling, herbivory damage at the leaf level; galls, pathogens, trail herbivory presence/absence qualitative data; and leaf mortality. Data were collected...

CLiP South Africa Microplastics in the Port of Durban 2019

This dataset contains two csv files. The first one (South_Africa_Port_Durban_Microplastics.csv) reports the results of the study carried out in the Port of Durban in 2019. The file contains water...

CLiP South Africa Microplastics in the Port of Durban 2019

This dataset contains two csv files. The first one (South_Africa_Port_Durban_Microplastics.csv) reports the results of the study carried out in the Port of Durban in 2019. The file contains water...

Bradford Council populations

The latest population figures produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) on 28 June 2018 show that an estimated 534,800 people live in Bradford District – an increase of 2,300 people...

Herbivory rates, species traits and leaf traits across symbiotic nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing species from a Panamanian tropical forest, 2007-2019

This dataset contains measurements of herbivory and the potential controls on herbivory for nitrogen-fixing and non-fixing trees in a mature tropical forest of Panama. Data include herbivory...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) frog data: 1994-2015

Frog data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. Variables measured include phenology (i.e. the dates when frogs start congregating, spawning, when hatching occurs and...

Yield and physiology data of two African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2019

Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on two African crops. The crops (beans and sweet potato) were exposed to three different levels of ozone in the heated UK CEH Bangor...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) frog data: 1994-2012

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. Frog data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. Variables measured include phenology (i.e. the dates when frogs start congregating,...

Photosynthesis data for Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus and Empetrum nigrum at the Climoor field site in Clocaenog Forest (2001-2007)

This dataset provides photosynthesis data for the plant species Calluna vulgaris, Vaccinium myrtillus and Empetrum nigrum. Photosynthesis response curves were measured for Calluna vulgaris and...

Forest inventory, dendrometric tree characteristics and aboveground biomass data in Ankeniheny Zahamena forest corridor, Madagascar

Data comprise a forest inventory (tree name (local, scientific, genera, family), diameter, height), dendrometric tree characteristics (tree species, weight (branches, leaves, trunk), diameter,...

Yield and physiology data of four African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2017

Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on five African crops. The crops (Beans, cowpea, finger millet, pearl millet and wheat) were exposed to three different levels of...

Leaf phenology synchrony for Meso- and South America

[THIS DATASET HAS BEEN WITHDRAWN]. The leaf phenology product presented here shows the amplitude of annual cycles observed in MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) normalized...

Yield and physiology data of four African crops exposed to varying ozone concentrations, grown in solardomes, UK, 2018

Data are presented from an ozone exposure experiment performed on four African crops. The crops (Beans, Cowpeas, Amaranth and Sorghum) were exposed to three different levels of ozone and two heat...

Leaf phenology synchrony for Meso- and South America v2

The leaf phenology product presented here shows the amplitude of annual cycles observed in MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and...

Plant physiological measurements in North Wales and Northwest England (2013, 2014 and 2016)

The data consists of plant physiological measurements from 15 sites located in the Conwy catchment (North Wales) and from 2 sites in North West England. Plant photosynthetic parameters for the...

Focus on London - Housing

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2011: **HOUSING**:A**GROWING**CITY With the highest average incomes in the country but the least space to grow, demand for housing in London has long outstripped supply,...

Focus on London - Income and Spending

**FOCUS**ON**LONDON**2010:**INCOME**AND**SPENDING**AT**HOME** Household income in London far exceeds that of any other region in the UK. At £900 per week, London’s gross weekly household income is...

Plant aboveground net primary productivity estimates (2021) and litter layer depth measurements (2018-2019) at five long-term grassland-to-woodland land use contrasts across England

This dataset contains aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) estimates and litter layer depth measurements from five long-term grassland-to-woodland land use contrasts across England between...