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425 results found

Community Learning in England

Community Learning includes a range of community based and outreach learning opportunities, primarily managed and delivered by local authorities and General Further Education Colleges designed to...

FE data library: community learning

Information on community learning through skills for life qualifications by participation and achievements. Community learning includes a range of community based and outreach learning...

Learning disabilities health check scheme

The learning disabilities health check scheme is designed to encourage practices to identify all patients aged 14 and over with learning disabilities, to maintain a learning disabilities 'health...

Funding Policy - Community Learning

Funding Policy - Community Learning, annual budget to support the local community.

Judicial College Learning Management System

Secure learning management system for all Judicial Office-holders to access online training materials, containing a history of their learning and development records including personal details of...

Adult learning courses

The Calderdale adult learning (CAL) courses currently available, including the locations of the courses. To find out more about the courses or enrolment, please visit...

Adults with Learning Disabilities, Scotland

Covers the range of services provided to adults with learning disabilities by local authorities in Scotland. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: National Statistics Language:...

Adult participation in learning

An adult learner is someone aged 16 and over who has done some taught and/or non-taught adult learning over the 12 months. Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF), Annual...

Learning Disability Service Users

Data showing where Cambridgeshire County Council funds services for adults with a learning disability by ward

Mental Health / Learning Disability Statistics

This publication presents statistics on mental health and learning disability activity in both an inpatient and outpatient setting in Northern Ireland. Source agency: Health, Social Service and...

Work Based Learning for Adults

The Work Based Learning for Adults scheme was a voluntary training programme aimed principally at those over 25 years who had been on Jobseekers Allowance for over six months. The data includes...

Talk Share Learn Leeds

This dataset has been created to power the Talk, Share, Learn - Leeds app which has been created by Leeds City Council's Children's Services team with local developer Imactivate.

Learning to Drive consultation response database

Learning to Drive consultation response database. Information relating to the Learning To Drive consultation including copies of responses linked to the individuals and organisations who provided...

Access to Learning Fund Monitoring

Data on students in receipt of payments from the access to learning fund

Further Education Learning Aims database

Data used by SLC to offer as reference data in the application process for Advanced Learning Loans.

Learning and skills inspections and outcomes

This is the publicaton of the 'Learning and skills inspections and outcomes'. Source agency: Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills Designation: Official Statistics not...

Learning from deaths: Children with a learning disability and autistic children aged 4 – 17 years

This report draws on data from the National Child Mortality Database (NCMD) to investigate deaths in children with a learning disability and autistic children, and to draw out learning and...

Learning difficulties: Adults with learning difficulties helped to live at home

Adults aged 18-64 with learning disabilities helped to live at home . Source: CSCI Performance Assessment Framework (PAF) Publisher: Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) Geographies:...

Workplace Learning in England

Annually updated data for Workplace Learning in England. The data shows participation and achievements figures broken down by Level, Provider Type, Geography, Sector Subject Area and Learner...

24+ Advanced Learning Loans paid in England

Presents statistics on 24+ Advanced Learning Loans taken out by Further Education learners. The learners are UK or EU domiciles studying at a Learning Provider in England. Source agency: Student...