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221 results found

Remotely Sensed Flood Estimates

The estimated flood extent is an un-validated raw product often processed rapidly to share with category one partners during an incident. You must refer to the limitations of the data when using...

Scots pine single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) for Axiom array

This dataset contains ~50,000 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs, DNA mutations) for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) and closely related members of the Pinus mugo complex, which were selected for...

Mortality Risk from High Temperatures in London (Triple Jeopardy Mapping)

A heatwave refers to a prolonged period of unusually hot weather. While there is no standard definition of a heatwave in England, the Met Office generally uses the World Meteorological Organization...


The Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) identifies sites in the Borough which may be suitable for housing development. The assessment considers the location, potential...

Species point records from 1994 DWT Beer Head to Chesil Cove (Lyme Bay) survey

This report forms part of a series of studies describing the environment of Lyme Bay on the south of Dorset and Devon, UK. The studies were commissioned as a prerequisite to exploration drilling...

Habitat point records from 1994 DWT Beer Head to Chesil Cove (Lyme Bay) survey

This report forms part of a series of studies describing the environment of Lyme Bay on the south of Dorset and Devon, UK. The studies were commissioned as a prerequisite to exploration drilling...

Species point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....

Habitat point records from 1982 Jones Menai Strait littoral rock survey

This survey was undertaken as part of a general study of the Menai Strait, commisioned by NCC, required to assist in decisions related to its designation as one of Britain's Marine Nature Reserves....

Nirex Petrological Samples And Records.

As an integral part of the investigations carried out at Sellafield, and to a lesser extent for the Dounreay boreholes, the cores from the boreholes were systematically examined by geologists and...

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The SHLAA is an ‘evidence-base’ document which does not allocate land for housing nor pre-empt or prejudice any future Council decisions about particular sites. It is an aid to plan making and not...

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies and Regions define the electoral areas used to return members to the Scottish Parliament. There are 73 constituencies, each electing one Member of the...

Scottish Parliamentary Regions

Scottish Parliamentary Constituencies and Regions define the electoral areas used to return members to the Scottish Parliament. There are 73 constituencies, each electing one Member of the...

Brownfield Land Register for Mid Devon District Council

Mid Devon District Council is required to prepare, maintain and publish a register of previously developed (brownfield) land suitable for housing. The guidance requires that Brownfield Land...

Hydromechanical and Biogeochemical Processes in Fractured Rock Masses in the Vicinity of a Geological Disposal Facility for Radioactive Waste (NERC grant NE/L000660/1)

Data for NERC grant NE/L000660/1. This is the data supporting Fig. 4 of the publication: Ebigbo, A., Lang, P. S., Paluszny, A., and Zimmerman, R. W. (2016). Inclusion-based effective medium models...

Scottish Electoral Wards

Local government in Scotland comprises 32 unitary local authorities (council areas), which are divided into wards for electoral purposes. There are currently a total of 1,226 councilors elected...

Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment

The SHLAA is an ‘evidence-base’ document which does not allocate land for housing nor pre-empt or prejudice any future Council decisions about particular sites. It is an aid to plan making and not...

Rother District Council Supplier Expenditure Information

As part of the Council's commitment to be open and transparent with residents regarding payments made to suppliers, payments of £500 or more are listed on the website on a monthly basis. Every...

My Health My School Survey

The ‘My Health, My School’ (MHMS) annual school survey is a free pupil survey available for pupils in Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 11 as well as for pupils attending any of our Specialist Inclusive...

Fife Community Council Boundaries

Dataset provides details of the location and extents of Fife Community Council boundaries. Community Councils were created by the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The Act required local...

Council Register of Assets - Moray

Council Register of Assets (Moray). Section 94 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (the Act) requires public authorities to make available to members of the public a register of land...