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Reliability of journeys on Highways Agency roads

This release presents provisional information about the reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency roads. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

List of Type 2 (Long Journey) Authorised Transporters

This dataset provides a list of all transporters who are Type 2 (long journey) authorised by the Animal & Plant Health Agency under Council Regulation (EC) No 1/2005 (as retained) on the...

Highways Agency network journey time and traffic flow data

The latest journey time and traffic data is now available at This data series provides average journey time,...

The patient journey post hip fracture: What constitutes rehabilitation?

A summary of rehabilitation practice for hip fracture patients across Scotland in 2008. Includes patient data summarised by hospital on falls (cause and context); actions during inpatient stay;...

Reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency's motorway and 'A' road network

This release presents provisional information about the reliability of journeys on the startegic road network. Source agency: Transport Designation: National Statistics Language:...

NI 167 - Congestion average journey time per mile during the morning peak

Average journey time per mile during the morning peak on major routes in the authority.

Highways England network journey time and traffic flow data

***1st July 2016 Update*** WebTRIS Phase 1 is now available and can be accessed at We are in the process of updating the way that traffic flow data is...

NI 177 - Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area

The total number of local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area in a given year. It includes all bus operators serving The general public but excludes school buses, or...

Reliability of journeys on the Highways Agency's motorway and A road network

Monthly release presenting average vehicle delay experienced on the slowest ten per cent of journeys on inter-urban roads in England. Source agency: Transport Designation: National...

NI 167 Congestion average journey time per mile during the morning peak

Average journey time per mile during the morning peak on major routes in the authority. Source: Department for Transport (DfT) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographies:...

NI 177 - Local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area

The total number of local bus passenger journeys originating in the authority area in a given year. It includes all bus operators serving The general public but excludes school buses, or...

P&R Passenger Journeys - (LI 3 b) - (2009 baseline: 3,941,852)

P&R Passenger Journeys - (LI 3 b) - (2009 baseline: 3,941,852) *Please note that data for the previous calendar year is provisional until it gets validated by DfT, which normally takes place...

The migrant journey

Analysis of the current routes into the UK and the different ways that migrants are able to reach settlement.

Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)

Passenger journeys on local bus services (Not comparable with CAN031/CAN032 - DfT measure - BUS0109a)

Percentage of ‘journeys’ on Highways Agency motorways and A roads that are ‘on time’ by road section by rolling year

The data presented shows the percentage of ‘journeys’ that are ‘on time’ by road section by rolling year. This data can be used to track the percentage of ‘journeys that are ‘on time’ for...

Health profiles

Health profiles at local authority level including general health, child health, alcohol and tobacco related health issues

Oral Health

This public health factsheet describes facts, assets, and strategies related to oral health in Camden.

Occupational Health

Occupational Health providers: Have visibility of a range of data relating to individuals who are referred to them by managers/HR. This will include data relating to age, medical history and...

HPI: Health capital

Health Poverty Index - Situation of Health: Health capital: Individuals potential for health across the life course Source: Department of Health (DoH), Health Survey for England, 1998 to 2001, ONS...

Child Health Profiles

Child Health Profiles provide a snapshot of child health and well-being for each local authority in England using key health indicators, which enable comparison locally, regionally and nationally....