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Corporation Tax Liabilities

Provides breakdowns of the corporation liability by number, income, allowances, deductions, company sector and financial year for the UK. Previously listed under 'Revenue-based Taxes and Benefits:...

NI 173 Flows on to Incapacity Benefits from employment

The proportion of the working population living in a local authority who move directly from employment to incapacity benefits (IB) each year. Source: Department for Work and Pensions...

NI 173 - Flows on to Incapacity Benefits from employment

The proportion of the working population living in a local authority who move directly from employment to incapacity benefits (IB) each year.

1979 Act and 2008 Mesothelioma Scheme benefits data

Aggregated data on the two benefits schemes - caseload and expenditure (1979 Act, 1979 Act - mesothelioma only, 2008 mesothelioma scheme, average age). Shows compensation payments, showing outcome...

Incapacity Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance: Claimant flows

Claimants who either a) were claiming Incapacity Benefit (stocks) on the count date, b) ended a claim (off-flows) during the previous accounting month or c) started a new claim (on-flows) during...

Spare Room Subsidy - Part of Housing Benefit dataset

Included within the main HB official statistics, additional breakdowns of the number of HB claimants who have had a reduction in their HB award as a result of the withdrawal of the spare room...

Housing benefit claims

Data showing the numbers of housing benefit claimants in Plymouth (numbers of households)

Benefit Claimants' Briefings

This dataset contains quarterly briefings on benefit claimants in the City of York.

Unemployment benefit claims

This data has been taken from LGInform at data reference ID 5470 The figures show the numbers of people claiming unemployment benefits aged between 25-49 and...

Benefit Cap in London

* More than 26,500 London households have had their total benefit payment capped since the benefit cap was introduced in April 2013. * Nearly half (45 per cent) of all households in Great...

Benefit Reception Numbers

Benefit Reception Numbers

Budgeted spend for TSB financial year

Forecasted expenditure by theme within the delivery plan for the financial year

Sage 200 financial accounting system

Financial accounting system including the ledger, accounts payable and all financial information that NEST needs to maintain for statutory purposes and financial management.

Return to Work Credit

Return To Work Credit is a financial incentive to encourage claimants to move into work from incapacity benefits. It is payable to claimants who satisfy the eligibility criteria. The database...

Pensions Strategy Computer System

Pensions Strategy Computer System data contains information required for the processing of claims for Retirement Pension, Incapacity Benefit, Widows Benefit and Severe Disablement Allowance. The...

Credit debt and financial difficulty in Britain 2009-10

Underlying data from the publication Credit debt and financial difficulty in Britain 2009-10. A report using data from the YouGov DebtTrack survey [URN 11/963]

Joint Nature Conservation Committee sponsorship - governance & financial

Governance and financial data (including grant in aid payments) relating to Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

Adult Learning Option Pilot

The Adult Learning Option Pilot enabled those on benefits to take up full-time study for their first Level 2 qualification, without loss of benefits. The data includes a record of the...

Child Benefit

Information about Child Benefit Families, (and the child/ren) being claimed for Source: HM Customs and Revenue Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics / HM Customs and Revenue Geographies: Lower...

Benefit Statistics

For further background information on benefits statistics please follow links below: [Benefit Statistics - Further...