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114 results found

National Coastal Erosion Risk Mapping (NCERM) - National (2018 - 2021)

PLEASE NOTE: This record has been retired. It has been superseded by The National Coastal Erosion Risk shows the...

FutureCoast Erosion Polygons (2050) for High Emissions Scenario SLR

Anticipated erosional areas, between the current 2020 and anticipated 2050 Mean High Water Spring tide lines, based on a High Emissions Scenario sea level rise projection (RCP8.5, 95 percentile)...

FutureCoast Erosion Polygons (2100) for High Emissions Scenario SLR

Anticipated erosional areas, between the 2020 and anticipated 2100 Mean High Water Spring tide lines, based on a High Emissions Scenario sea level rise projection (RCP8.5, 95 percentile) and 'do...

Shoreline Management Plan and Coastal Erosion

The datasets shows the spatial coastal baseline which is split into 'frontages'. These are defined as lengths of coast with consistent characteristics based on the cliff behaviour characteristics...

North Norfolk District Council LDF Coastal Erosion Constraint Area

This is the area designated under the Local Development Framework in which restrcitions may be applied to proposed development within this area, if proposals are likely to increase coastal erosion.

NI 189 Flood and coastal erosion risk management

Percentage of agreed actions to implement long term flood and coastal erosion risk management plans that are being undertaken satisfactorily. Source: Department for Environment Food and Rural...

Predicted soil erosion rates, nutrient fluxes and topsoil lifespans, modelled for Kenya at a 30 metre resolution

This dataset presents predicted soil erosion rates (t ha-1 yr-1) and its impact on topsoils, including lifespans (yr) assuming erosion rates remain constant and there is no replacement of soil;...

Orthomosaic aerial imaging from the Irontongue Hill erosion study site, Swineshaw Moor, UK, July 2019

This dataset consists of a single orthophoto mosaic image of Irontongue Hill on Swineshaw Moor. The area of interest includes seven erosion plots (approximately 5 x 5 m) which were set up on...

Predicted erosion hazards to electricity transmission towers in the Mersey River valley under hypothetical future flow scenarios, 2018-2050

This dataset contains information about predicted future erosion hazards to electricity transmission towers at a site in the Mersey River valley. River channel change and floodplain erosion rates...

Digital Archive from a coastal erosion survey of the Tobacco Cliffs, Formby Beach, Sefton, Merseyside 2015-2022

This collection comprises images, GIS, and spreadsheet data from a coastal erosion survey of the tobacco dumping area (known locally as the Tobacco Cliffs) undertaken by Coastal and Intertidal Zone...

Digital Archive from a coastal erosion survey of the Tobacco Cliffs, Formby Beach, Sefton, Merseyside 2015-2022

This collection comprises images, GIS, and spreadsheet data from a coastal erosion survey of the tobacco dumping area (known locally as the Tobacco Cliffs) undertaken by Coastal and Intertidal Zone...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) sedimentation and erosion monitoring over saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

The dataset details surface elevation and sedimentation measurements across five UK saltmarsh sites. Two of the sites were in Morecambe Bay, North West England and three of the sites were in Essex,...

Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry data of topographic changes from seven erosion plots on Iron Tongue Hill, Tameside, UK, 2018-2019

This dataset contains details of digital elevation models (DEM) and orthomosaic photographs (orthophotos) of seven 5 x 5 m erosion plots on Iron Tongue Hill, Tameside, Manchester. Plots were...

North Norfolk District Council Coast Erosion Risk 2105

The area of coastline predicted to erode over the next 100 years (to 2105)

North Norfolk District Council Coast Erosion Risk 2025

The area of coastline predicted to erode away over 20 years (by 2025)

North Norfolk District Council Coast Erosion Risk 2055

The area of coastline predicted to erode over the next 50 years (to 2055)

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) the erosion rate of sediment cores from salt marsh sites at Morecambe Bay and Essex

The dataset comprises the erosion rate (percent mass loss per hour) observed in sediment cores (16 centimetre (cm) diameter, 30cm height) subjected to flume tank flow for three 'waterfall' flows...

Coastal Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service Sustainability (CBESS) global positioning system (GPS) locations for instruments and features associated with wave monitoring and sedimentation-erosion table installations in saltmarsh and mudflat habitats

The dataset details global positioning system (GPS) locations recorded for instruments and locations of interest associated with equipment installed for the monitoring of wave energy, surface...

NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Physical Assets

This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Physical Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal Erosion Risk...

NI Coastal Vulnerability Assessment Historic Assets

This layer is a high level Vulnerability Assessment of Historic Assets along the Northern Ireland coast. It was created as part of the Baseline Study and Gap Analysis of Coastal Erosion Risk...