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NI 195a - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of litter, detritus combined

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti. Source: Locally held Publisher:...

NI 161 Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved

The number of learners achieving a Level 1 qualification in literacy Source: Department for Innovation Universities and Skills (DIUS) Publisher: DCLG Floor Targets Interactive Geographic...

NI 195a - Improved street and environmental cleanliness - levels of litter, detritus combined

The indicator is reported as four parts for each element of environmental and street cleanliness (1.) Litter, (2.) Detritus, (3.) Fly-posting, and (4.) Graffiti.

NI 161 - Number of Level 1 qualifications in literacy (including ESOL) achieved

The number of learners achieving a Level 1 qualification in literacy

NI 081 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 3 qualification by the age of 19

The number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 19 who reached level 3 against the number of people that were/were not eligible for FSM at age 16 on the school census, expressed as...

NI 082 - Inequality gap in the achievement of a Level 2 qualification by the age of 19.

The number of individuals who were eligible for and claiming FSM at age 16 who turned 19 during the academic year and have passed the level 2 threshold against the school census population at age...

NICE Technology Appraisals in the NHS in England: National Level

The Innovation Scorecard aims to improve transparency within the NHS of what treatments recommended by NICE are available within Trusts and CCGs and at National and Area Team level. It is...

Numbers of Patients Registered at a GP Practice: LSOA Level

Demographic data are extracted as a quarterly snapshot in time from the GP Payments system maintained by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). These releases are an accurate...

ERIC - Estates Return Information Collection - Site Level

The ERIC (Estates Return Information Collection) is collected and published here by the HSCIC on behalf of the Department of Health. It is the main central data collection for estates and...

ERIC - Estates Return Information Collection - Trust Level

The ERIC (Estates Return Information Collection) is collected and published here by the HSCIC on behalf of the Department of Health. It is the main central data collection for estates and...

Prescribing Costs in Hospitals and the Community - NICE Medicine Level

This report compares expenditure between primary and secondary care in total and for medicines positively appraised by NICE. This dataset is the NICE-appraised medicine breakdown. Datasets for...

Prescribing Costs in Hospitals and the Community - Area Team Level

This report compares expenditure between primary and secondary care in total and for medicines positively appraised by NICE. This dataset is the area team breakdwon. Datasets for national-level...

NICE Technology Appraisals in the NHS in England: Trust level

The Innovation Scorecard aims to improve transparency within the NHS of what treatments recommended by NICE are available within Trusts and CCGs and at National and Area Team level. It is intended...

NICE Technology Appraisals in the NHS in England: CCG Level

The Innovation Scorecard aims to improve transparency within the NHS of what treatments recommended by NICE are available within Trusts and CCGs and at National and Area Team level. It is intended...

Water Body Status Classification Cuckmere and Pevensey Levels

Water body status classification data indicates the quality or status of water bodies across a range of different parameters known as quality elements. This dataset includes the classification...

Water Body RNAGS Old Bedford and Middle Level

Water body reasons for not achieving good status (RNAGS) identify the pressures that are impacting the status classification of water bodies. Reasons for deterioration (RFDs) identify the...

Water Body Status Objectives Cuckmere and Pevensey Levels

Water body status objectives describe the long term aim for specific parts of the water environment. This dataset includes the latest objectives of all water bodies in the Cuckmere and Pevensey...

Water Body Measures Old Bedford and Middle Level

Water body measures are the actions which will be taken on the ground to help achieve water body objectives. They are brought about by a range of legal, policy or financial mechanisms and involve...

Thames Estuary 2100 Extreme Water Level nodes

Extreme Water Level nodes show the point locations of modelled data projections for extreme water levels (heights) that could occur in the estuary in the future. Extreme water levels take into...

Street Level Crime Data

Data from North Yorkshire Police