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332 results found

Delayed Discharges in NHSScotland

Delayed Discharges in NHSScotland. From February 2010 there is no more additional Supplementary Information released. All information is published as part of the main Delayed Discharges'...

Chronic renal failure: Mortality rate

Deaths from chronic renal failure. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher: Information Centre (IC) - Clinical and Health...

WFD Catchment Management Information England - Reasons for Failure

This record is for Approval for Access product AfA318 WFD Catchment Management Information England - Reasons for Failure. This dataset sets out the different units used for managing the Water...

Underground ferrous assets: Susceptibility to failure map

This national digital GIS product produced by the British Geological Survey indicates the susceptibility of corroded underground ferrous (iron) assets (e.g. pipes) to failure, as a result of ground...

Conwy Catchment - Nant Y Brwyn Discharge dataset (2008-2011)

Discharge data and in-stream temperature for a peatland headwater stream of the Conwy catchment, North Wales are presented from March 2008 until July 2011. The stream for which the data represents...

Years of Life Lost (YLL): Chronic renal failure

Years of Life Lost (YLL) as a result of death from chronic renal failure. Directly age-Standardised Rates (DSR) per 100,000 population Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...

Consented Discharges to Controlled Waters with Conditions

These data provide details of all permit details as required under the Environmental Permit Regulation. Information is held for all permit holders and covers all substances that are controlled....

Total number of Acute delayed discharges (YDH only)

Total number of Acute delayed discharges (YDH only) *This indicator has been discontinued.

Consented Discharges to Controlled Waters with Conditions

This dataset provide details of permit details as required under the Environmental Permit Regulations. Information is held for all permit holders and covers all substances that are...

Reconvictions of Offenders Discharged from Custody or Given Non-Custodial Sentences, Scotland

Presents reconviction of offenders discharged from custody or given non-custodial sentences in Scotland. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

Discharges to rivers from abandoned metal mines

Information about average flows and water quality for known mine water discharges from abandoned metal mines in England. Adapted and updated from "Prioritisation of abandoned non-coal mine impacts...

Extreme river discharge and associated tide gauge co-occurrences from UK estuaries 1984-2013

This dataset contains the dates and magnitudes of extreme river discharge and associated skew surge peaks for UK estuaries between 1984 and 2013. The lag time between the drivers is also provided....

Police force Failure To Appear warrant information systems (various across the 43 police forces in England & Wales)

Failure To Appear (FTA) warrants received, executed and outstanding, by category of warrant, in each police force area.

Avian hatching failure and management interventions in published studies of wild and captive populations

The dataset contains information on rates of hatching failure, threat status, and management interventions for 244 species of birds extracted from 233 previously published studies. Full details...

Incidence of harm to children due to ‘failure to monitor’ (retired as of May-15) (NHSOF 5.6)

The total number of safety incidents, causing harm to children due to 'failure to monitor', reported to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) by provider organisations. Please note...

Water discharge data for Trout Beck, Cumbria 1961-1980

This dataset contains daily water discharge data from Trout Beck in the Moor House-Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve in the northern Pennines, Cumbria, UK. Data were automatically recorded at...

Emergency readmissions within 30 days of discharge from hospital (CCGOIS 3.2)

Percentage of emergency admissions to any hospital in England occurring within 30 days of the last, previous discharge from hospital after admission; indirectly standardised by age, sex, method of...

Drug misusers presenting for treatment who were discharged after 12 weeks

Number of drug misusers triaged into treatment in the year who were discharged after 12 weeks or who remain in treatment beyond a 12 week period Source: National Drug Treatment Monitoring Scheme...

UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) stream water discharge data: 1993-2015

Stream water discharge data from the UK Environmental Change Network (ECN) terrestrial sites. The data (stage and discharge) are collected by loggers at ECN's terrestrial sites (where a stream is...

Water and suspended sediment discharges for the Mekong Delta, Vietnam (2005-2015)

This dataset describes hourly time series of discharge and suspended sediment flux at four sites in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta (Chau Doc, Tan Chau, Can Tho and My Thaun) for the period 2005 –...