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171 results found

IRC284907 Skills Academy DP Competition External Recruitment Campaign Data

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS Skills Academy DP external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc. It also...

IRC284906 Skills Academy SO Competition External Recruitment Campaign Data

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS Skills Academy SO external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc. It also...

NICS Student Placement External Recruitment Campaign Data - IRC 275819

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS 2022 Student Placement external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc. ...

NICS Student Placement External Recruitment Campaign Data - IRC 266590

This dataset provides a breakdown of the NICS Student Placement external recruitment campaign 2021 by: gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual orientation, etc. It...

1988-1994 English Channel and North Sea Crab Maturity Study Programme

Morphometrics and maturity parameters for brown crab (*Cancer pagurus*) in the English Channel and North Sea (Newlyn, Brixham, Selsey and North Norfolk). Combination of parameters describing the...

Gender Pay Gap

Gender pay gap report for Calderdale Council published as part of our [Public Sector Equality...

IRC269650 NICS Operational Delivery Apprentice Scheme external recruitment campaign data

This dataset provides a breakdown of the 2021 Operational Delivery Apprentice Scheme external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual...

IRC275310 Graduate Management Programme External Recruitment Campaign Data

This data set provides a breakdown of the NICS 2022 Graduate Management Programme external recruitment campaign by; gender, community background, age, disability, ethnic background, sexual...

Schools' Condition Backlog

This dataset shows estimated condition backlog by CYC maintained school, 'condition element' (roofs, windows etc), condition grading and priority grading. Condition and priority gradings, which are...

LDNPA Conservation Areas

Conservation areas are legally defined as areas of 'special architectural or historic interest, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance'. The special character...

UK Biodiversity Indicator C1, Protected areas

This spreadsheet is the underlying data for the biodiversity indicator C1, Protected areas, Designation and management of protected areas are key mechanisms for taking action to reverse the loss...

Conservation Areas Documentation

Conservation areas are those areas identified by the Local Planning Authority as having special architectural or historic interest which merits designation. Documentation including area character...

Domestic Abuse Incidents and Crimes Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland

The PSNI produces statistics on the number of domestic abuse incidents and crimes recorded by the police in Northern Ireland. Statistics are published on a financial year basis and a comparable...

Salmon production model

The bio-economic model can be used to identify and summarise potential production scenarios for Atlantic Salmon. Users can specify an initial fish weight, time of year and desired harvest...

Salmon production model

The bio-economic model can be used to identify and summarise potential production scenarios for Atlantic Salmon. Users can specify an initial fish weight, time of year and desired harvest...

Health behaviours JSNA 2015 - survey data by district

In Lancashire there was limited information about the extent to which people engaged in health-compromising and health-enabling behaviours. To address this a project was commissioned to look at...

IRC240709 Administrative Officer (AO) External Recruitment 2019-20

Administrative Officer (AO) External Recruitment 2019-20. This dataset provides a breakdown of the applicant stage of the NICS 2019-20 Administrative Officer (AO) external recruitment campaign. The...

Conservation Areas - Fife

A conservation area is an area of architectural or historic value, the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance. Conservation areas usually feature buildings of high...

Conservation Areas

[Conservation Areas]( ) are defined in the Planning (Listed Building and...

Conservation Areas

Local planning authorities are obliged to designate as conservation areas any parts of their own area that are of special architectural or historic interest, the character and appearance of which...