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England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Full Sensitivity Map v3.0

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

EWCO Biodiversity - Priority Species - Red Squirrel - Woodland Creation

Spatial data supporting the England Woodland Creation Offer (EWCO) additional contribution targeting for Nature Recovery. This layer is identical to that titled ‘CS WCM Biodiversity - Priority...

Waste Contracts Register

The Mayor set out his strategic policy framework for the management of London's municipal waste in the London Environment Strategy (LES), published in May 2018. Proposal 7.2.1.b set out the Mayor’s...

Contract Spend

Contract documentation is only available for contracts with a value of over £10,000 which have been agreed after 1st July 2010 (IT contracts) and 1st Jan 2011 (all other contracts).


Details of all councill contracts dating back to 2008 to present.

Procurement Contracts

Existing Contracts Register for awarded contracts over £5,000. An extract of all published contract awards starting from 01 April 2017. The data names the buyer and the awarded suppliers, plus...

RBWM Contracts

List of royal borough's contracts with contract documentation wherever appropriate.

West Midlands Woodland Creation Grant Opportunity Areas 10/11 - 11/12

This dataset targeted the English Woodland Grant Scheme (EWGS) Woodland Creation Grant (WCG) Additional Contribution (AC) for 2010/2011 – 2011/2012 in locations where woodland creation was...

Sub Contracting

Sub Contracting, shows who Providers are sub contracting with and how much of their budget is used in this way.

Moderngov Contract

The London Borough of Barnet has entered into a contract for the Council’s committee papers content management system to Civica UK Ltd (formerly Modern Mindset Ltd). The contract is for the...

England Woodland Creation Full Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 3

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 3

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Full Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 1

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Full Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 2

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 2

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

England Woodland Creation Low Sensitivity Map v3.0: variant 1

The Forestry Commission has developed a series of sensitivity maps, based on nationally available and consistent datasets, to indicate where there are likely to be fewer sensitivities to woodland...

Contract Register

The data lists the contracts awarded by the Council with tender/contract values over £5,000. Data has been excluded or redacted from the publication in line with guidance issued by the Local...

Procurement Contracts

Details of contracts award to suppliers by the London Borough of Hounslow. This contracts register is provided through the [London Tenders Portal](

Procurement Contracts

Details of contracts award to suppliers by the London Borough of Hounslow. This contracts register is provided through the [London Tenders Portal](