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135 results found

Derbyshire Dales Tree Preservation Orders

This data, showing the positions of individual trees, groups of trees, areas of trees and woodlands which are protected by Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) made by Derbyshire Dales District Council,...

SEN2 Survey Return 2015

The SEN2 survey is a statutory data collection that takes place every January. You must complete a statutory collection by law unless there’s a good reason not to. The survey collects information...

SNPA Conservation Areas

Defined Conservation Areas in Snowdonia National Park, the limit of each Conservation Area is recorded as a polygon. Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest....

SNPA Conservation Areas

Defined Conservation Areas in Snowdonia National Park, the limit of each Conservation Area is recorded as a polygon. Conservation Areas are areas of special architectural or historic interest....

Farm Household Income and Household Composition, England

Information on farm household income and farm household composition. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National Statistics Language: English Alternative title:...

Bradford Council workforce profile

The Council is required by law to publish information about its employees relating to certain categories (known as Protected Characteristics) under the Equality Act 2010. So that the user can most...

LDD Planning Approvals by Borough 2009

Planning approvals statistics, by Borough, for 2008-09 from the London Development Database. Includes information on approval type, gross units by tenure and floor space. The London Development...

Libraries datasets

In Newcastle libraries we are endeavouring to open up as much of our data as possible. We will publish data here on a regular basis. Each file is saved in CSV format and has an accompanying text...

Global City Data

A range of indicators for a selection of cities from the [New York City Global City database]( Dataset includes the...

NYMNPA Hedgerow Regulations - notifications (lines)

Under the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 it is against the law to remove or destroy certain hedgerows without permission from the local planning authority. The local planning authority are also the...

NYMNPA Hedgerow Regulations - notifications (points)

Under the Hedgerows Regulations 1997 it is against the law to remove or destroy certain hedgerows without permission from the local planning authority. The local planning authority are also the...

Open Access - Open Country (CRoW Act)

The CRoW Act provides for public access on foot to certain types of land, amends the law relating to public rights of way, increases measures for the management and protection for Sites of...

NFNPA Tree Preservation Orders

A Tree Preservation Order (TPO) is an order made by a local planning authority in respect of trees or woodlands. The principal effect of a TPO is to prohibit the: cutting down, uprooting, topping,...

Large Raised Reservoir register (Locations and undertakers)

This dataset contains details of Large Raised Reservoirs in Wales. Natural Resources Wales (NRW) collects and maintains data on all reservoirs designed or capable of holding more than 10,000...

Environmental Enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices

The data set contains details of all environmental enforcement Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) that have been issued in the London Borough of Barnet since Feb 2019 - date under the Kingdom Services...

YDNPA Tree Preservation Orders

A tree preservation order (TPO) is an order made by the local authority, in this case the Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, on a tree or number of trees that makes it an offence to carry out...

Weekly, monthly and yearly recreation demand maps for the UK

This dataset contains recreation demand maps for the UK based on weekly, monthly and yearly visit frequencies. Recreation includes activities such as walking, hiking, cycling, etc, i.e., ‘outdoor...

Understanding The Micro-To Macro Behaviour Of Rock-Fluid Systems - M2M

The M2M Thematic Programme funded 17 scientific investigation projects leading to more unified physical understanding of fluid flow distributions in heterogeneous rock. The programme focused on...

Probable Shallow Coal Mine Workings

Probable shallow coal mine workings contain locations and estimated extents of probable shallow underground workings for which no recorded plan exists, but where it is likely that workable coal at...

Site of Special Scientific Interest (Scotland)

Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) are those areas of land and water (to the seaward limits of local authority areas or MLWS) that Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) considers to best...