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277 results found

Habitat point records from 1980 OPRU Lundy littoral rock & caves survey

Field studies carried out in 1980 provide records of shore communities from five open-shore sites and six caves or pairs of caves at Lundy. The species present are listed with notes on their...

Observations of plastic pollution on the west coast of Scotland

Beach clean data collected from 27 locations on the west coast of Scotland. In total there were 49 surveys.

2017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census

As part of the Coastal Creatures Project a species census across four beaches along the North Devon Coast AONB was undertaken.

2017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census

As part of the Coastal Creatures Project a species census across four beaches along the North Devon Coast AONB was undertaken.

2017-2018 North Devon Coast Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) North Devon Species Census

As part of the Coastal Creatures Project a species census across four beaches along the North Devon Coast AONB was undertaken.

British Geological Survey (BGS) Geophysical and Sampling Survey 1975/30: Thames Estuary (11/May/1975 to 16/May/1975)

This sampling and geophysical survey has been carried out by Institute of Geological Sciences now British Geological Survey (BGS) for BGS, the survey took place in May 1975 in the Thames Estuary...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Bathing Waters Directive - Protected Areas

These shapes have been generated using Land and Property Services (LPS) land parcel line boundaries and LPS 1:10k raster basemap. Beach boundaries are defined by land parcel lines at upper extent...

Species point records from 1989 MNCR Cumbria littoral survey

The predominantly wild and unspoilt coastline within the survey area lies on the north-eastern side of the Irish Sea, between the expansive sediment shores of Morecambe Bay in the south and the...

Habitat point records from 1989 MNCR Cumbria littoral survey

The predominantly wild and unspoilt coastline within the survey area lies on the north-eastern side of the Irish Sea, between the expansive sediment shores of Morecambe Bay in the south and the...

2008, Metoc, Sherigham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm, Cable Landfall Erosion Study

StatoilHydro is planning to install two export cables to connect its Sheringham Shoal Offshore Wind Farm to the UK National Grid. The landfall will be at Weybourne on the North Norfolk coast. This...

1996 Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR) Devon and Cornwall survey

Marine surveys of 37 locations in South Devon and Cornwall including Hollywell Beach, Newquay. Data on species and biotope recorded and entered onto Marine Recorder.

Intertidal Monitoring of Pectenogammarus planicrurus in Pen Llyn a'r Sarnau Special Area of Conservation (SAC) 2007 - Onwards

Pectenogammarus planicrurus is the only amphipod which is a permanent resident of shingle beaches and it was found on the steep gravel or pebble beach fronting the promenade at Pwllheli during...

2017 Marine Biological Association of the UK (MBA) Mothecombe Seine Net Fish Survey

Two survey sites at Mothecombe Beach and in the middle of the River Erme (at low tide) were surveyed by MBA work experience students and Jack Sewell using two different methods. Seine netting was...