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268 results found

Waste Infrastructure Delivery Programme (WIDP) Infrastructure Facilities List (IFL)

This data set lists residual waste treatment facilities in England that are tracked by WIDP for the purposes of assessing treatment capacity. The list includes operational facilities and is...

Bird Vocalisation Activity (BiVA) database: annotated soundscapes from the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

Data comprise audio files captured using a Wildlife Acoustics SM3 Songmeter located on an overgrown unpaved road close to several abandoned houses with deciduous trees (including fruit trees in...

Catalyst Endowment Adwards

Hard commitments awarded offer match funding to arts organisations with a successful track record of fundraising to help them build endowments that provide an annual income.


Hosted by Iron Mountain: eSearch - manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) hosted by Iron Mountain . Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets. Utilised to manage...

Young People and Gambling Survey

The survey explores young people’s attitudes towards gambling and their participation in different types of gambling activities, designed to provide a means of tracking these perceptions and...

Daily Situation Reports

Fast track daily information on emergency pressures in the winter period (eg A&E diverts, beds closed due to norovirus, critical care capacity). Collected from acute NHS Trusts and NHS...

Enforcement Tribunal Fast Track Scheme: High Court Enforcement Officer Activity Returns

Data setting out individual  claims for Employment Tribunal Fast Track Scheme cases for which the High Court has authorised enforcement activity. Data fields include: claim number; enforcement...

NI 043 - Young people within the Youth Justice System receiving a conviction in court who are sentenced to custody.

Young people are those aged 10-17. The young offenders cohort is established during the period January to March and includes all those receiving a pre-court disposal (reprimand or final warning)...

NI 019 - Rate of proven re-offending by young offenders

Young people are those aged 10-17. The young offenders cohort is established during the period January to March and includes all those receiving a pre-court disposal (reprimand or final warning)...

DESNZ: Heat Networks Planning Database

The Heat Networks Planning Database (HNPD) provides a picture of both district and communal heat network deployment across the UK. It tracks the progress of projects through multiple stages...

Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture Statistics

The Climate Change Mitigation in Agriculture Statistics publication brings together statistics on agriculture which track progress on greenhouse gas (GHG) performance. The publication summarises...

Information Management Physical Records System (IMPReS)

Hosted by Iron Mountain: ICMS manages the physical records (circa 3.7 million) held by Iron Mountain on behalf of DECC. Purpose: Utilised to locate, retrieve and track all DECC's physical assets,...

Audio-recordings of birds from plots invaded by non-native plants (Rhododendron ponticum and Prunus laurocerasus) and non-invaded plots in four woodlands, Wales, 2023

[This dataset is embargoed until October 1, 2025]. This dataset contains audio recordings of birds in four woodland plots invaded by the non-native species Rhododendron ponticum or Prunus...

Dynamics (Criminal Case Review Commission database for cases)

Database containing personal details of applicants, convictions and appeals of cases where possible miscarriages of justice have taken place in criminal courts across England, Wales and Northern...

PIP Breast Implant Monitoring

There are two monthly data collections monitoring the "NHS Offer" for patients who have had PIP implants. The first collection monitors the extent to which patients who had PIP implants implanted...

International comparative performance of the UK research base

Data on the performance of the United Kingdom's (UK) research base compared to seven other research-intensive countries (Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, and US) and, where data are...

Identicom Lone Worker Safety User Data

EA employees who work alone on site use a system called Identicom to ensure their safety by keeping track of their location. This is a typical year of data that provides system usage, false alarms...

Lifetime Labour Market Database

The L2 database (Lifetime Labour Market Database) is a 1% sample of HMRC's National Insurance Recording System (NIRS2). The type of information which is held relates to annualised National...

Post 16 Participation NEET

Local Authorities are required to track young peoples participation in education and training enabling those who are not in education, employment or training to be identified. They record the...

RAPID The Impact of Climate Change on the North Atlantic and European Storm-Track and Blocking Model output data

Data from "The impact of climate change on the North Atlantic and European storm-track and blocking" project was a Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) RAPID Climate Change Research...