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Sumatra Regional Geochemistry

Regional Geochemical data from drainage basin reconnaissance survey carried out as part of a bilateral aid project between the UK Department for International development (DFID) (formerly ODA) and...

Nitrogen geochemistry of igneous units from Loch Doon, Scotland (NERC Grant NE/P012167/1)

This dataset contains the nitrogen, oxygen, and lithophile element geochemistry of whole rock, and distribution coefficients, and stable isotope fractionation factors for biotite, orthoclase, and...

Map based index (GeoIndex) stream water

Water samples have predominantly been collected by the G-BASE (Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment) project at an average sampling density of one sample per 1.5 km square. Samples have...

Nitrogen fixation rates and isotopic measurements of aqueous nitrite and nitrate from spark discharge experiments (NERC Grant NE/V010824/1)

Concentrations of gaseous and aqueous fixed nitrogen products and isotopic measurements of aqueous nitrite and nitrate in spark discharge experiments. Spark experiments were conducted at the...

Azores processed theoretical waveforms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Theoretical waveforms computed to study earthquakes in the Azores archipelago. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in...

Processed SAR interferograms (NERC grant NE/N011791/1)

Processed SAR interferograms for the Wells, Nevada earthquake. Grant abstract: How do earthquakes happen? Understanding the nature of earthquakes is a key fundamental question in Geociences that...

Bird and butterfly abundance from consistently surveyed agri-environmental monitoring transects at Hillesden, UK, 2006-2017

This dataset contains bird and butterfly abundance data from field-surveyed transects at Hillesden, UK (2006-2017). Over this time period, Hillesden hosted two five-year experimental manipulations...

Antiviral, antibiotics and decongestants in wastewater treatment plants and receiving rivers in the Thames catchment

This dataset contains the concentration of eleven antibiotics (trimethoprim, oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin, azithromycin, cefotaxime, doxycycline, sulfamethoxazole, erythromycin, clarithromycin,...

Map based index (GeoIndex) profile soil

Profile soil analyses are available from a number of BGS programmes, notably the Mineral Reconnaissance Programme (MRP) and the Geochemical Baseline Survey of the Environment (G-BASE) programme....

Images and laser ablation ICPMS data for Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides from Cabo Ortegal, northern Spain (NERC Grant NE/P017312/1)

Samples are dunites, harzburgites and pyroxenites with variable proportions of chromite from the Cabo Ortegal collection of the late Prof Hazel Prichard, that is held at Cardiff University. Data...

Digital Data from an Historic Building Recording Survey at Flamborough Head Lighthouse, June 2022

This digital archive contains a report, images and a mp4 video from an analytic historic building recording survey (Level 3) at Flamborough Head Lighthouse, Flamborough, East Riding of Yorkshire....

Green Heat in Greenspaces (GHiGs) - Scotland

All GHiGs datasets cover the whole of Scotland and have been derived by Greenspace Scotland over the project period of September 2020 to April 2021. Principal third party data suppliers include: -...

Housing Research Notes

Housing Research Notes are a series of analytical reports from the Greater London Authority focusing on individual issues of relevance to housing policy in London.  The most recent [Housing...

Major ion and nutrient data from rivers [LOIS]

Discrete data for major ions and nutrients in river water for 13 sites in the Humber catchment over the periods 1993 to 1997 and 1996 to 1997 and for 3 sites from the Tweed catchment over the...

Northern Peru Regional Geochemical Exploration Survey.

During the period 1967 to 1971 a team of geoscientists carried out a programme of regional geological mapping in parts of Peru and a low-density regional geochemical exploration survey of the...

Gro for GooD Soil Data Kwale County, Kenya (NERC grant NE/M008894/1)

The data set contains Soil Data used in the Gro for GooD Project in Kwale, Kenya based on KENSOTER database and soil survey in study area. The KENSOTER dataset, specific for Kenya, was compiled by...

Impacts of the Calbuco eruption, Chile (NERC grant NE/N007271/1)

Volcanic ash samples were collected and analysed following the 2015 eruption of Calbuco volcano, Chile. Datasets uploaded are: Calbuco2015 Probe Data - excel Calbuco2015 Locations and Grain Size –...

Western Gneiss Region Ar/Ar data (NERC grant NE/H016279/1)

This dataset encompasses thin section photographs, mineral composition data and Ar/Ar data. Grant abstract: Many of the Earth's great mountain ranges, such as the Alps and the Himalaya, result from...

Number of pupils attending Education Establishments in NI by School type 1991 - 201N

Data are collected annually through the School census exercise. This takes place in early October when each school is required to submit a return detailing information about the numbers of pupils...

Stable isotope and trace element data for planktonic foraminifera from IODP Site U1338 (NERC Grant NE/I528750/1)

Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios (δ18O, δ13C) were measured on 10 to 12 shells of mixed-layer dwelling species Globigerinoides subquadratus from the 250 to 315 μm size fraction from 425 meters...