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Higher Education Student Statistics: Alternative Providers, 2017/18

Higher education student enrolments and qualifications obtained at alternative providers in the United Kingdom 2017/18. This Statistical Bulletin provides details of student enrolments and...

Higher Education Leavers Statistics: Alternative providers, 2016/17

This Statistical First Release (SFR) is the annual first release of HESA Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (DLHE) data from alternative providers.

Barnet Pension Fund - Alternative and Private Funds

Information about Barnet Council's Pension Alternative and Private Funds - names and vintage years of private equity, venture capital, mezzanine, distressed, real estate/REIT, debt, infrastructure...

Surrey Heath Borough Council Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space

Dataset displaying Suitable Alternative Natural Green Space in Surrey Heath. Upon accessing this Licensed Data you will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the Public Sector End User Licence -...

Alternative Plant Protection Methods

Evaluation of the potential of bio-active factors from a wasp venom (a phenoloxidase and rVPr3 (insect immunosuppressive protein)) to reduce pesticide usage by improving biological control strategies.

London Borough of Camden Pension Fund Alternative Investments

A list of pension fund alternative investments; please note there are different currencies. This dataset is updated with a delay of 1 year - so the latest information will show up to and including...

Suitable Alternative Natural Green Spaces

Green open space provided and managed to mitigate the harmful effects of new development on protected bird habitats.

Destinations of undergraduate leavers from higher education at alternative providers in England 2015/16

This Statistical First Release (SFR) provides details of the destinations of undergraduate leavers from higher education at alternative providers (APs) in England that have successfully completed...

Alternative measures of real households disposable income and the saving ratio

This article investigates the impact of removing “imputed” components to construct measures of RHDI and the saving ratio to better represent the economic experience of households.

Conservation biological control experiments data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop

This set of conservation biological control experiments data was collected as part of five field experiments investigating agricultural biological control techniques, particularly the effect of...

Semiochemical experiment data, 2005-2009 - RELU Re-bugging the system: promoting adoption of alternative pest management strategies in field crop systems

The semiochemical experiment data were collected from novel laboratory, semi-field- and field-scale bioassay experiments taking behavioural observations and counts of pest insects and their natural...

Middle Layer SOA (with names) - Geometric centroid - Population weighted centroid - local alternative names: Lookup Table

Look up table of Middle Layer Super Output Area (MSOA) to Grid reference of centroid. Also includes Local Authority names for MSOAs Source: Office for National Statistics (ONS) Publisher:...

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Carboniferous-age rock material from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders sampled in 2017, measured at the University of Liverpool (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Carboniferous-age rock material from Cumbria and the Scottish Borders sampled in 2017. This data is divided into multiple four letter coded...

2006, ConocoPhillips, Judy Gas Alternative Tie-In, Pipeline/Cable Route Survey, BGS Reference Number CS06SS0001

An oil and gas industry site survey for a pipeline/cable route acquired between November and December 2006. The block numbers traversed were 29/1, 29/11, 29/12, 29/2, 29/6 and 29/7.

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Viesan-age carbonates from the Meathop quarry section, Cumbria sampled in 2018, measured at the University of Lancaster. (NERC Grant NE/P00170X/1)

Thermal and Alternating Field demagnetisation data from Visean-carbonates from Meathop Quarry sampled in 2018. This covers the Martin Limestone Formation. MQ are sample codes sampled and data...

Decadal maps of multiple alternative future land use based on UK Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (UK-SSPs) and climate projections (UK-RCPs)

The data describes future land use projections at 1 km^2 resolution developed by CRAFTY-GB. For each of six Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP-RCP) scenarios, gridded land use maps for Great...

Quality Adjustment for Public Service Education

Presentation and discussion of a range of alternative methods of quality adjustment for publically provided education Look at measures based on inspection results, pupil-teacher ratios, threshold...

A Generational Accounts Approach to Long Term Public Finance in the UK

Generational accounts provides a valid alternative view of long term public finance. Source agency: Office for National Statistics Designation: Supporting material Language: English Alternative...

Peptide Mimetics

Peptide mimetics, alternative strategies for pest control

National Population Projections

National population projections by age and sex for the UK and constituent countries. Includes information on the principal (main) and variant (alternative scenario) projections for each country...