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358 results found

Geodatabase to accompany Midland Valley Shale report (BGS, NSTA)


ArcGIS layers accompanying report Risk assessment of seabird bycatch in UK waters - MB0126

These data layers support the project Risk assessment of seabird bycatch in UK waters1, project MB0126, compiled by WWT Consulting. This dataset contains shapefile layers for: location of waterbird...

Data Accompanying: Stream and Slope Weathering Effects on Organic-rich Mudstone Geochemistry and Implications for Hydrocarbon Source Rock Assessment: A Bowland Shale Case Study (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

These data accompany a manuscript, titled: Stream and Slope Weathering Effects on Organic-rich Mudstone Geochemistry and Implications for Hydrocarbon Source Rock Assessment: A Bowland Shale Case...

Data accompanying: Emmings et al. A Mississippian Black Shale Record of Redox Oscillation. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology [submitted July 2019] (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

This is a geochemical dataset accompanying Emmings, J., Poulton, S., Vane, C., Davies, S., Jenkin, G., Stephenson, M., Leng, M., Lamb, A., Moss-Hayes, V. A Mississippian Black Shale Record of Redox...

Pontbren land use manipulation plot data

Overland flow data and soil water tension data at 10cm, 30cm, & 50cm from four manipulation plot sites located across the Pontbren study site in mid-Wales, UK. The manipulation plots were...

Data accompanying ‘Microstructural controls on thermal crack damage and the presence of a temperature-memory effect during cyclic thermal stressing of rocks’ submitted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters (NERC Grant NE/N002938/1)

Acoustic emissions (AE) and ultrasonic wave velocity data recorded during a series of high temperature thermal cracking experiments by Daoud et al., in the Rock and Ice Physics Laboratory of the...

Organisation Chart Manchester

Organisation of Manchester City Council with accompanying footnotes

Invertebrates identified in pitfall traps within diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings, Sonning, UK, 2018-2019

The dataset contains abundances of invertebrates collected from pitfall traps within eight field-based diesel exhaust and ozone fumigation rings located at the University of Reading’s Sonning Farm,...

Children’s social care data for the Ofsted Annual Report 2016/17

Social care data to accompany the Ofsted Annual Report 2016/17.

Children’s social care data for the Ofsted Annual Report 2017/18

Social care data to accompany the Ofsted Annual Report 2017/18.

Nationality estimates (2004-2015), Borough

In July 2015 ONS released re-weighted (in light of the 2011 Census) population estimates by nationality by local authority (2004-2013).  This was followed in August 2015 by estimates for 2014. ...

London's Zero Carbon Energy Resource - Secondary Heat

These datasets accompany the London Secondary Heat Study (2013) and provides an understanding of the technical potential (available heat) and deployment potential (delivered heat) of eleven key...

Demographic Databook

Databook (Excel) to accompany the Camden Profile (

A Global Positioning System (GPS) survey of graffiti around the central campus of The University of Edinburgh

Graffiti study in central Edinburgh around the University central campus. Points record the size and nature of the graffiti and are accompanied by a photograph.

1973 - 2011 Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorset, Ad hoc marine records from casual recorders

A collection of ad hoc records from the Dorset coast by casual recorders. Any notes/photographs accompanying the records are held at Dorset Environmental Records Centre.

1973 - 2011 Dorset Environmental Records Centre, Dorset, Ad hoc marine records from casual recorders

A collection of ad hoc records from the Dorset coast by casual recorders. Any notes/photographs accompanying the records are held at Dorset Environmental Records Centre.

Geophysical quantification of seafloor greenhouse gas: the effect of gas bubble and hydrate morphology on sediment geophysical properties. (NERC grant NE/J022403/1)

The first dataset consists of the data to accompany the paper 'Modelling acoustic scattering, sound speed, and attenuation in gassy soft marine sediments' by A. Mantouka, H. Dogan, P.R. White and...

Ocean Island Basalt olivine compositions and thin section maps (NERC grant NE/J021539/1)

High precision electron-probe analysis of olivine compositions from a set of ocean island basalts. Accompanied by thin section scans and QEMSCAN (Quantitative Evaluation of Minerals by SCANning)...

2009 Steve Trewhella, Various locations in Dorset, Survey log records

Records provided by Steve Trewhella from 2009. Surveys run primarily for personal interest in marine species and ID. No written reports accompany the data. All field data/samples/photographs are...

2009 Steve Trewhella, Various locations in Dorset, Survey log records

Records provided by Steve Trewhella from 2009. Surveys run primarily for personal interest in marine species and ID. No written reports accompany the data. All field data/samples/photographs are...