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339 results found

Bathymetric LiDAR for Red Bay

Small test site for combined bathymetric and topographic LiDAR in Red Bay, surveyed January 2006. Data were tidally corrected using UK Hydrographic Office "Total Tide" software and cleaned in Caris...

Park and ride sites

Spatial dataset of park and ride sites in County Durham. Please see for more information.

Licensed riding establishments in Leeds

A list of licensed riding establishments in the Leeds area.

CCO East Riding topographic 2019

2019 East Riding topographic dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 63

CCO East Riding lidar 2017

2017 East Riding lidar dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 867

CCO East Riding lidar 2010

2010 East Riding lidar dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 436

CCO East Riding topographic 2013

2013 East Riding topographic dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 80

CCO East Riding document 2020

2020 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 1

CCO East Riding document 2007

2007 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 3

CCO East Riding lidar 2018

2018 East Riding lidar dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 440

CCO East Riding topographic 2020

2020 East Riding topographic dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 54

CCO East Riding document 2016

2016 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 3

CCO East Riding document 2019

2019 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 3

CCO East Riding topographic 2016

2016 East Riding topographic dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 80

CCO East Riding document 2018

2018 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 1

CCO East Riding waves 2011

2011 East Riding waves dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 4

CCO East Riding topographic 2021

2021 East Riding topographic dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 50

CCO East Riding lidar 2009

2009 East Riding lidar dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 352

CCO East Riding document 2014

2014 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 3

CCO East Riding document 2008

2008 East Riding document dataset from the Channel Coastal Observatory Catalogue (number of records: 4