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Fixed Penalty Notice - Nuisance Parking

The Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) issued for nuisance parking from 2006 to 2009 by local authorities. .‘Nuisance parking’ offences are committed when a business (i) repairs cars on the road, (ii)...


Ident1 provides the United Kingdom's central national service for holding, searching and comparing biometric information on those who come into contact with the police as detainees after being...

Trial of biodegradable mulch materials (Kent 2012)

Mulches are materials applied to the soil surface to control the growth of competitive weeds. The durability, practicality, and weed control efficacy of a range of mulch materials was tested for...

Consumer Insights Tracker - July 2023 - present

The Consumer Insights Tracker is an online monthly tracking survey commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and administered by YouGov. It monitors the behaviour and attitudes of adult...

CO2GeoNet Paper: Carbonation of borehole seals: Comparing evidence from short-term laboratory experiments and long-term natural analogues

It is crucial that the engineered seals of boreholes in the vicinity of a deep storage facility remain effective for considerable timescales if the long-term geological containment of stored CO2 is...

Cereals Usage by Millers, Brewers and Maltsters

This statistical release is an amalgamation of the statistical releases: Brewers, Distillers and Maltsters Usage and Stocks, Cereals Usage by Oatmeal Millers in the UK and Wheat Milled and Flour...

NI 018 - Adult re-offending rates for those under probation supervision

This indicator measures the percentage of adult offenders (aged 18 and over) on the probation caseload who are proven to have re-offended within three months from the month the snapshot was taken...

Cooperative Crash Injury Study (CCIS)

Data concerning the damage to vehicles involved in "tow-away" accidents is compared with personal injury data collected from hospitals in order to understand the injury causation and therefore...

Digest of United Kingdom Energy Statistics: 60th Anniversary

A one off publication comparing the changes in energy production and use between 1948 and 2008. Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as...

High Level Indicators of Energy Use at Regional and Local Authority Level

Indicators of regional energy use compared with a variety of socio-economic variables Source agency: Energy and Climate Change Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Soil moisture data for four sites from a study of the impact of woodland on water resources (TADPOLE project, Clipstone)

In 1996 concerns were raised, in the Environment Select Committee’s first report on water conservation and supply, that the government’s ambition to double woodland cover in England could...

National Child Measurement Programme, England

This report summarises the key findings from the Government’s National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) for England. The report provides high-level analysis of the prevalence of ‘underweight’,...

Housing Benefit Speed of Processing

Statistics on the average number of days to process (i) new (ii) change of circumstances of HB / CTB claims. Note: Prior to Oct 2011 this was named HB/CTB Right Time...

Social Investment Fund Foundations data notes

Compares the net asset value of twelve UK charitable foundations against their grant making and social investment expenditure during one financial year. The dataset has been sourced from analysis...

Croker carbonate slabs, Mid-Irish Sea

In May 2008 (18-27 May), a survey commissioned by JNCC undertook seabed habitat investigations of two Areas of Search (AoS) for offshore SACs. The objectives of this survey, within the Submarine...

Health Profile of England

Provides a collation of national and regional data to provide a baseline against which people can compare data from their own Local Health Profile (LHP). Source agency: Health Designation:...

Biotope map of Greater Thames Estuary

This map was produced as part of the site selection process for the Greater Thames Estuary AoS. It aimed to characterise the habitat features of the AoS, and to identify the areas of Annex I...

Coastal Physiographic Features - Coastal Lagoons

This shapefile shows the distribution of the Annex I habitat, coastal lagoons around the UK. Coastal lagoons are areas of shallow, coastal salt water, wholly or partially separated from the sea by...

Meteorological data collected at English Short Rotation Coppice (Extensive) sites

As a result of high oil prices in the mid-1970s, many European and Scandinavian countries initiated research programmes investigating fuel production from energy crops. Initial studies were aimed...

Housing Benefit / Council Tax Benefit Speed of Processing

Statistics on the average number of days to process (i) new (ii) change of circumstances of HB / CTB claims. Note: Prior to Oct 2011 this was named HB/CTB Right Time Indicator. DWP stopped...