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389 results found

Species point records from 1984-86 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon (entrance) survey

The Fleet, on the western coast of Dorset, is the largest lagoon in the British Isles. 14 km in length, it communicates with marine waters only through a single, artificially narrowed entrance....

Habitat point records from 1984-86 Dyrynda Fleet lagoon (entrance) survey

The Fleet, on the western coast of Dorset, is the largest lagoon in the British Isles. 14 km in length, it communicates with marine waters only through a single, artificially narrowed entrance....

River Wye Special Area of Conservation Sonde Data

A number of automatic monitors are in place in the River Wye Special Area of Conservation. Data is collected for seven water quality parameters at 15 minute intervals on a semi-permanent...

Geomechanical properties of the Carboniferous Middle Coal Measures (Boreholes GGC01 and GGA08)

A brief description of ten core plug samples collected from borehole GGC01 (Glasgow, United Kingdom) is provided, as well as for twelve 15-50 g cuttings samples from 1m intervals within borehole...

QPENSO: HadCM3 model simulations output collection

Model simulations undertaken by the Quantifying variability of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on adaptation-relevant time scales using a novel palaeodata-modelling approach (QPENSO) project....

QPENSO: HadCM3 model simulations output collection

Model simulations undertaken by the Quantifying variability of the El Nino Southern Oscillation on adaptation-relevant time scales using a novel palaeodata-modelling approach (QPENSO) project....

CM3(Manningham Lane)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...


Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM5(Thornton Road)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM7(Rook Lane)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM8(Tong Street)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM4(Manchester Road Mayo Avenue)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM6(Shipley Airedale Road)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM7(Rook Lane)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM8(Tong Street)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM4(Manchester Road Mayo Avenue)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM6(Shipley Airedale Road)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM3(Manningham Lane)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...


Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...

CM5(Thornton Road)

Location specific rainfall data (based on a 1Km spatial resolution) for Air Quality Management Stations in the Bradford District.Estimates of rainfall totals (mm) and intensity (mm/hr) are derived...