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1,205 results found

Business Rates - New Accounts Created

Includes: Property Reference; Property Address; Property Postcode; Liable Party Name; Rateable Value; Liability Start Date. For more information on business rates in Calderdale, see the council...

Non-domestic rates all accounts

All non-domestic rates accounts

Rushmoor Building Control Financial Account

This dataset is the annual financial account for Rushmoor Borough Council Building Control. This is published at the end of the financial year. NOTE: This information has been approved by the...

Ryedale Business Rates Accounts in Credit

Business Rates (National Non Domestic Rates (NNDR)) Accounts in Credit

NNDR Accounts in Credit 2017/2018

NNDR Accounts in Credit 2017/2018

Bradford Council parking account and space

**Car parking spaces:** There are 3997 off-street and 759 on-street car park spaces in Bradford district.

NNDR Accounts Properties 2017/2018

NNDR Accounts Properties 2017/2018

Lichfield District Council Parking Account

Local Government Transparency Code. Release of data relating to Lichfield District Council's Parking income and expenditure account commencing from 2013/14.

Bristol City Council Parking Account

A breakdown of income and expenditure on the authority’s parking account. The breakdown of income must include details of revenue collected from on-street parking, off-street parking and Penalty...

Draft 2015-16 Statement of Accounts

London Borough of Barnet's draft statement of account for 2015-16.

Business rates (NNDR) - accounts in credit

A list of addresses in Barnet that have a credit on the business rates account (not including accounts where the account holder is an individual).

Record of expert inputs shaping future city discourses for Urban Living Birmingham

The dataset consists of the transcripts of expert inputs considering how the conceptual thinking for both ‘smart’ and ‘natural or biophilic’ cities could combine to inform future urban discourses...


Deployable Civilian Experts (DCE) and Civil Service Stabilisation Cadre (CSSC) Management Database.

Live NNDR Accounts Properties 2015/2016

Live NNDR Accounts Properties 2015/2016

Live NNDR Accounts Monthly 2015/2016

Live NNDR Accounts Monthly 2015/2016

NNDR Account - No Mandatory Relief 2014/2015

List of NNDR accounts that are NOT in receipt of Mandatory Rate Relief 2014/2015

Business (Non-Domestic) Rates (NDR) Accounts

Details of all current Business Rates accounts held with Colchester Borough Council.  See Downloads page to access records for individual months.  A revaluation of all non-domestic properties in...

Business (Non-Domestic) Rates (NDR) Accounts

Details of all current Business Rates accounts held with Colchester Borough Council.  See Downloads page to access records for individual months.  A revaluation of all non-domestic properties in...

NNDR Live Accounts Quarterly 2017/2018

NNDR Live Accounts Quarterly 2017/2018

Housing Revenue Account Social Housing Stock

The Local Government transparency code 2015 requires that a Local Authority publishes social housing stock at postal sector level. The data is based on the valuations by Norfolk Property Services...