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113 results found

Whole rock and microanalytical pyrite geochemistry from selected samples of the Vatukoula gold mines, Fiji, collected and analysed 2017-2020 (NERC Grant NE/M010848/1)

Whole rock and pyrite geochemistry data from a suite of mineralised and barren rocks from Vatukoula gold mines and the Tavua caldera that hosts the ore body, in the northern part of the island of...

Geomechanical properties of the Carboniferous Middle Coal Measures (Boreholes GGC01 and GGA08)

A brief description of ten core plug samples collected from borehole GGC01 (Glasgow, United Kingdom) is provided, as well as for twelve 15-50 g cuttings samples from 1m intervals within borehole...

Images and laser ablation ICPMS data for Fe-Ni-Cu sulfides from Cabo Ortegal, northern Spain (NERC Grant NE/P017312/1)

Samples are dunites, harzburgites and pyroxenites with variable proportions of chromite from the Cabo Ortegal collection of the late Prof Hazel Prichard, that is held at Cardiff University. Data...

Tomographic data on the developmental biology of the Early Cambrian cnidarian Olivooides (NERC grant NE/J018325/1)

The folders GMPKU2311, GMPKU3089, ELISN108-343 and ELISN31-5 contain data from X-ray tomographic analyses of fossil embryos and post-embryonic stages as described: There is one data folder provided...

Volcanological data for the Echo Canyon Eruption, Ascension Island, South Atlantic: size, abundance, density, vesicle texture and composition of pumice and lava clasts, collected between 2018 and 2020 (NERC Grant NE/L002582/1)

Compositional and volcanological data from a small-volume explosive-effusive volcanic eruption on Ascension Island, South Atlantic. Multiple samples of pumice and lava spanning the whole eruption...

Bacterial diversity (16S rRNA gene) in participant collected household vacuum dust from homes across two bioclimatic regions (UK and Greece), with associated participant questionnaire and trace element data. (NERC Grant NE/T004401/1)

The <250um fraction of 28 household vacuum dust samples were extracted using high throughput isolation of microbial genomic DNA (21 samples from a national campaign within the UK and 7 samples...

Dalradian Carbonate Rock Geochemistry Database.

The database contains a range of geochemical data for metamorphosed limestones from the Dalradian of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The data include a) whole-rock geochemical analyses by XRF (X-Ray...

The Geochemistry of Fossil Pigment Preservation (NERC grant NE/J023426/1)

These data represent a massive synchrotron based programme to study ancient life. Not all of these data have been processed yet, nor have we published all of the results that we intend to. These...

A multicellular organism with embedded cell clusters from the Ediacaran Weng'an biota (Doushantuo Formation, South China) (NERC grant NE/J018325/1)

Table S1.xlsx is Table S1, which contains 2D measurements of cell clusters used in Fig. 5 (this is also available from the publisher's website). The folders SMNH X 4447, SMNH X 5331 and SMNH X 5357...

The impact of mineral dissolution on drainage relative permeability and residual trapping in two carbonate rocks

Carbon dioxide (CO2) injection into deep saline aquifers is governed by a number of physico-chemical processes including mineral dissolution and precipitation, multiphase fluid flow, and capillary...

Photos, XRF elements, total N and C, and isotopic data (d18O, d13C) from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225 cores, central Red Sea

Photographs, 18O/16O isotopic ratios, XRF-derived elemental and N, C concentration data are provided for sediment cores from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 225, central Red Sea. This site was...

Mississippian Bowland Shale dataset: from Hind Clough, Marl Hill 4 (MHD4) and Cominco S9 (Craven Basin, UK). Iron Speciation, total organic carbon and selected major and trace element geochemical data (NERC grant NE/L002493/1)

This dataset was acquired as part of a NERC-funded Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) PhD Studentship at the University of Leicester and British Geological Survey between 2014-2018 [grant no....

Geophysical and transport properties of salt rocks during loading and exposed to dissolution (NERC Grant NE/X012751/1)

The dataset gather data from a dual experiment conducted to the study (i) the stress dependence of ultrasonic (elastic) waves and permeability of salt rocks, and (ii) the monitoring of controlled...