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Species point records from 2000 Reach Little Ross Island (Kircudbright Bay) littoral survey

Private contracted littoral survey of Little Ross Island. Two sites were surveyed. Site 1 was an exposed shore and Site 2 more sheltered. Representative of wave-exposure gradients around this tiny,...

Species point records from 1995 MNCR north Lleyn Peninsula and Tremadoc Bay littoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Species point records from 1972 Holme Renney Rocks (Heybrook Bay, Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The fauna of Renney Rocks is not especially rich, and there may be some doubt as to whether it is particularly suitable for monitoring. However, there is a good variety of intertidal algae. Due to...

Species point records from 1994 DWT Beer Head to Chesil Cove (Lyme Bay) survey

This report forms part of a series of studies describing the environment of Lyme Bay on the south of Dorset and Devon, UK. The studies were commissioned as a prerequisite to exploration drilling...

Species point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Species point records from 1980 Hiscock/Hiscock Roaringwater Bay (Co. Cork) sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Species point records from 1982-97 DWT Seasearch Great West Bay sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Species point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

Habitat point records from 1972 Holme Renney Rocks (Heybrook Bay, Plymouth) littoral monitoring

The fauna of Renney Rocks is not especially rich, and there may be some doubt as to whether it is particularly suitable for monitoring. However, there is a good variety of intertidal algae. Due to...

Habitat point records from 1994 DWT Beer Head to Chesil Cove (Lyme Bay) survey

This report forms part of a series of studies describing the environment of Lyme Bay on the south of Dorset and Devon, UK. The studies were commissioned as a prerequisite to exploration drilling...

Habitat point records from 1987 University of Dundee Inganess Bay and Wideford Burn sublittoral survey

The grab survey showed that at the time Inganess Bay has very limited, largely wave-induced circulation with the central area of the bay being a depositing area where accumulation of additional...

Habitat point records from 1980 Hiscock/Hiscock Roaringwater Bay (Co. Cork) sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Habitat point records from 1982-97 DWT Seasearch Great West Bay sublittoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Habitat point records from 1969 Gage Lochs Etive, Creran and Lochnell Bay sublittoral survey

The vertical distribution of the benthic fauna associated with soft sediments in sealochs was investigated by divers taking pairs of core samples at a series of depth levels along a transect from...

Habitat point records from 1993 Dove Marine Laboratory Alnmouth and Druridge Bays sediment survey

Infaunal survey carried out by the Dove Marine Laboratory for the MNCR North East Team.

Habitat point records from 1995 MNCR north Lleyn Peninsula and Tremadoc Bay littoral survey

This survey was carried out as part of the Marine Nature Conservation Review (MNCR). The MNCR was started in 1987 by the Nature Conservancy Council and subsequent to the Environment Protection Act...

Species point records from 1993 Dove Marine Laboratory Alnmouth and Druridge Bays sediment survey

Infaunal survey carried out by the Dove Marine Laboratory for the MNCR North East Team.

2014 NE Morecambe Bay SAC Subtidal Cobble & Boulder Skear Communities Drop-Video Survey

Survey name: 2014 NE Morecambe Bay SAC Subtidal Cobble & Boulder Skear Communities Drop-Video Survey This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

2012 NE Baseline Survey of Submerged or Partially Submerged Sea Caves in Lyme Bay and Torbay cSAC.

Survey name: 2012 NE Baseline Survey of Submerged or Partially Submerged Sea Caves in Lyme Bay and Torbay cSAC. This is a collation of surveys to gather data and evidence from a variety of marine...

19990401 - Galway Bay - Barna to North Bay - Bathymetric Survey

This processed bathymetric data set has been derived from an Echosounder - single beam survey. The source data was collected, validated and processed for the purpose of Safety Of Life At Sea...