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116 results found

Detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the Taklamakan Desert, the Yellow River, and the Chinese Loess Plateau. (NERC grant NE/I009248/1)

The dataset contains detrital zircon U-Pb ages from a large scale detrital provenance study of modern and recent sand and silt from the Chinese Loess Plateau (CLP) and its proposed sources in the...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 17 - Cefas ESM2 Profiler/mini CTD Logger

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. ESM2 is a Cefas...

Seawater temperature records for the UK Shelf - 17 - Cefas ESM2 Profiler/mini CTD Logger

This dataset has been extracted as part of an exercise to assemble "all" Cefas Temperature Data and publish it in a Data paper. It is one of 17 Cefas data sources assembled. ESM2 is a Cefas...

Mini-catchment weir records from an impact study of drain cleaning on water flows (Coalburn, Scotland)

Coalburn in the north of England is Britain's longest running forest hydrology research catchment, providing a unique record of the long-term effects of conifer afforestation on upland water...

Slaughter Statistics

Presents statistics on the slaughter of cattle, sheep and pigs, dressed carcase weights and meat production. Source agency: Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Designation: National...

Controlled Parking Zones - SYL

This defines zones where single yellow line markings denote different times of parking restrictions. Parking is not permitted on single yellow lines during the hours of control but parking is...

Waiting and Loading Markings - City of Edinburgh

Line shapefile of all the Waiting and Loading Markings (e.g. single yellow, double yellow etc.) within the City Of Edinburgh Council administrative area backed by a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO)....

GP practice prescribing data - Presentation level

Warning: Large file size (over 1GB). Each monthly data set is large (over 10 million rows), but can be viewed in standard software such as Microsoft WordPad (save by right-clicking on the file...

Metroshuttle vehicles

This file provides information to uniquely identify vehicles operating the Manchester and Stockport Metroshuttle bus services and the route that they operate on (i.e. Service number). Does NOT...

Dissolved Oxygen concentrations from Durleigh Reservoir, 2018

This dataset contains Dissolved oxygen concentrations from two different locations in Durleigh Reservoir in Somerset, England. Two miniDOT oxygen loggers were fitted with miniWIPERs and deployed at...

Waiting, loading and stopping restrictions in Southwark

Line data showing locations of waiting, loading and stopping restrictions on the highway maintained at public expense by the London Borough of Southwark. They are also known as yellow line...

Health Deprivation

Health Deprivation and Disability Score and Rank from Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007, by SOA. Low ranks denote greater levels of relative deprivation where 1 = most deprived SOA and 32,482 =...

Child Poverty Issues

Income Deprivation affecting Children Score and Rank from Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2007, by SOA. This score shows the proportion of children aged 0-15 years living in income deprived...

Leeds traffic orders

The following shape file datasets show the traffic orders for Lines (e.g. double yellow and parking bay restrictions) and Region (e.g. restricted parking zones for residents). Using appropriate...

Hampshire Avon: Dissolved oxygen data collected at one minute intervals from five river reaches

This dataset contains instream dissolved oxygen data collected continuously at one minute intervals for five sites in the Hampshire Avon catchment in the United Kingdom. Data were collected between...

North West Jones Bank Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) Survey Infauna Data - 2012

Two surveys took place in the North West Jones Bank Marine Conservation Zone in 2012: Guardline Survey 29/02/2012 to 31/03/2012 as part of the ITT Lot 6 29 samples collected using the Day...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: South Dorset: Benthic Sampling and Photo/Video Survey SDOR_cend0113y: Western Channel & Celtic Sea (26/01/2013 to 27/01/2013)

Ground truthing survey to collect seabed sediment samples using a mini 0.1m2 Hamon grab and seabed imagery using a drop camera frame. These data are archived with the Marine Environmental Data and...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: South Dorset: Benthic Sampling and Photo/Video Survey SDOR_cend0513: Western Channel & Celtic Sea (19/04/2013 to 22/04/2013)

Ground truthing survey to collect seabed sediment samples using a mini 0.1m2 Hamon grab and seabed imagery using a drop camera frame. These data are archived with the Marine Environmental Data and...

Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) MCZ: Lands End (The Runnel Stone): Benthic Sampling and Video survey LNDE_2FGL5032014: Western Channel & Celtic Sea (13/03/2014 to 13/03/2014)

Mini-Hamon Grab survey within the Land's End rMCZ. The grabbing followed on from the camera survey conducted by the EA in 2012. These data are archived with the Marine Environmental Data and...

Surface Water Availability for Water Resource Charging

This is a national picture of Surface water resource availability mapped to Integrated Water bodies for the purposes of Water Resource Charging only. Water Resource charges will depend on the water...