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1,387 results found

Social care provision ownership and inspection outcomes: management information

These figures are not official statistics. They are management information published in the interests of transparency as at 31 March 2014.

Spend over £25,000 in the Serious Fraud Office

Monthly transactions in the Serious Fraud Office over £25,000 as part of the government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Transactions over £25,000 - Ofsted spend data

A monthly updated list of Ofsted's financial transactions over £25,000, as part of the government's commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Directors Expenses in National Savings and Investments

A quarterly list of all National Savings and Investment Directors hospitality and expenses, as part of the Government commitment to transparency in expenditure.

Gifts and hospitality in Serious Fraud Office

Gifts and hospitality register for the Serious Fraud Office covering the period 2009-2013 as part of the Government's commitment to transparency in expenditure

Forestry Commission GPC spend over £500

A monthly list of all GPC transactions over £500 made by the Forestry Commission as part of the Governments committment to Transparency in Expenditure.

One North East Financial Transparency Report

One North East Financial Transparency Report

Transparency report for financial sales and purchase transactions

List sales and purchases meeting the qualifying criteria over £25,000 per transaction.

25k Transparency Report M12 March 2020

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for March 2020

£25K Transparency Report M11 February 2020

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for February 2020

25K Transparency Report M10 January 2020

Expenditure over £25K for BANES CCG for January 2020

25K Transparency Report M9 December 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for December 2019

25k Transparency Report M8 November 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for November 2019

25K Transparency Report M7 October 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for October 2019

25k Transparency Report M6 September 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for September 2019

25K Transparency Report M5 August 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for August 2019

25k Transparency Report M4 July 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for July 2019

25k Transparency Report M3 June 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for June 2019

25k Transparency Report M2 May 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for May 2019

25K Transparency Report M1 April 2019

Expenditure over £25k for BANES CCG for April 2019