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121 results found

Phenotypic measurements of Howea belmoreana and Howea forsteriana from a common garden experiment on Lord Howe Island

The dataset describes the effect of soil type, soil sterilisation and drought treatment on survival rate and growth of Howea belmoreana and Howea forsteriana, grown from seed in an experiment on...

Species point records from 1989 UMBSM northern Firth of Clyde sealochs survey

The Cowal peninsula and mainland around the northern Firth of Clyde are deeply indented by six sealochs: Lochs Riddon, Striven, Goil, Long, the Holyloch and the Gareloch. The first two are...

Habitat point records from 1989 UMBSM northern Firth of Clyde sealochs survey

The Cowal peninsula and mainland around the northern Firth of Clyde are deeply indented by six sealochs: Lochs Riddon, Striven, Goil, Long, the Holyloch and the Gareloch. The first two are...

Functional traits of woody plants sampled in permanent forest monitoring plots along altitudinal and forest perturbation gradients in the Colombian Andes, 2019-2022

[This dataset is embargoed until May 1, 2025]. The dataset contains information on six functional traits of woody plants, including Leaf Area, Specific Leaf Area (SLA), Leaf Dry Matter Content...

Emergency Hospital Admissions for Hip Fractures (age 65 and over)

This dataset shows Emergency Hospital Admissions for fractured neck of femur, for persons Age 65 and over by Gender. The data source (Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID)) has...

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education (1994/95 to 2013/14)

Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education provides information on the activities of students after they have left a higher education provider. Data is collected through a survey carried out...

Cynipid abundance at Petite Charnie, France, in 2008 and 2009

This dataset contains Cynipid gall abundance from an oak provenance trial at Petite Charnie in France. 2400 trees were sampled from 20 provenances of Quercus petraea and Quercus robur in 2008 and...

Records of leaf damage caused by and parasitism of Cameraria ohridella in Britain in 2010 collected with a citizen science approach, plus validation of the data

Records of leaf damage caused by and parasitism of Cameraria ohridella in Britain in 2010 collected with a citizen science approach as part of the Conker Tree Science citizen science project, plus...

Hours worked (2001 Census)

Hours worked per week Source: Census 2001 Publisher: Neighbourhood Statistics Geographies: Output Area (OA), Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA), Local Authority District (LAD), Government...

Field spectroscopy and leaf trait data from a field experiment in Surrey [HMTF]

The dataset comprises a range of leaf traits, measured from leaf samples collected from trees growing on deep alluvial soils and shallow chalk soils, near Mickleham in Surrey, UK. Across both...

Elemental cycling in recently deglaciated landscapes, Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska

This data set includes soil chemical, physical and microbial properties collected across a two-century glacial chronosequence across six streams in Glacier Bay, Southeast Alaska, U.S.A. We measured...

Spectral data for quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) clones of different ploidy levels

Data comprise measurements of spectral reflectance for quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) trees at a range of sites in southwestern Colorado near the town of Crested Butte. Spectra were...

Offender Learning and Skills Service OLASS YOL1 Data Returns

The YOL1 is the data collection tool used by the Education Funding Agency (EFA), to monitor the performance of its three contracted providers of the Offender Learning and Skills Service (OLASS) in...

Eradication England - Ruddy Duck Control Operations and Counts

This dataset includes information on site visits carried out as part of the UK Ruddy Duck Eradication Programme which began in September 2005. It includes details of all visits, some of which were...

Temperature and humidity data supporting use of an in situ passive heating method, and associated whole tree responses, Cerrado, Brazil, 2020

The data include temperature and relative humidity (RH) values recorded every minute inside and outside whole-tree, passive heating, open top chambers. Respiration and photosynthesis rates were...

Species point records from 1985 OPRU HRE Exe Estuary survey

The Exe estuary is situated in southeast Devon and opens into the western side of Lyme Bay in the English Channel. The estuary is approximately 10km in length and between 1 and 2 km in width at the...

Habitat point records from 1985 OPRU HRE Exe Estuary survey

The Exe estuary is situated in southeast Devon and opens into the western side of Lyme Bay in the English Channel. The estuary is approximately 10km in length and between 1 and 2 km in width at the...

London Business Survey 2014 - London as a place to do business

The [2014 London Business Survey](/london-business-survey-2014/) (LBS) is an innovative survey designed by the Office for National Statistics, on behalf of the London Enterprise Panel and the GLA....

Malaysian tropical heath forest growth and chemistry after fertilisation, 2016-2018

The dataset consists of tree diameter at breast height (DBH) of all trees > 1 cm DBH in 16 parcels of 15 m x 15 m in the tropical heath forest of the Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve (Sabah,...

Leaf structural traits and allometry of juvenile trees across temperature treatments in an experimental plantation in the Colombian Andes, 2019-2022

This dataset details the allometry and leaf trait measurements in three common gardens of fifteen juvenile tree species from the Colombian Andes planted along a thermosequence (14, 22 and 26 deg C)...