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206 results found

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) data, part of a suite of 51 elements using aqua regia ICP-MS techniques at ALS Minerals (Ireland) (NERC grant NE/L001764/1)

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry data, part of a suite of 51 elements using aqua regia ICP-MS techniques at ALS Minerals (Ireland).

Uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and uranium concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples. (NERC grant NE/H023933/1)

This data compilation contains uranium isotopes (234U/235U/238U) and concentration data on a suite of terrestrial and extra-terrestrial samples for understanding the uranium isotope cycling on...

Joint Casualty and Compassionate Centre (JCCC) Suite - Armed Forces Memorial Database

Details of all Service Personnel deaths since 1 Jan 48 forming the master record for the Armed Forces Memorial Arboretum.

A comprehensive suite of earthquake catalogues for the 2016-2017 Central Italy seismic sequence

A set of six large catalogues documenting the seismic sequence that occurred in central Italy between 2016 and 2017, characterized by a cascade of four MW5.5–6.5 events. The earthquake catalogues...

National Learner Satisfaction Survey 2009

Underlying data from tables within the suite of National Learner Satisfaction Survey reports [URN 11/708 - URN 11/716].

Microstructural measurements of mafic igneous rocks (NERC Grant NE/N009894/1)

Measurements of the shape and size of plagioclase and olivine grains in a suite of dolerite dykes and sills. The olivine data refer to the family of sills forming the Little Minch Sill Complex...

The Medical Profiles Project

The medical profile comprises of a suite of clinical indicators (7 chapters) about the medical care provided by an NHS board and its hospitals. Source agency: ISD Scotland (part of NHS National...

Bushveld mush thickness (NERC grant NE/J021520/1)

A single Excel spreadsheet giving augite-plagioclase-plagioclase dihedral angle populations in cumulates from the Rustenberg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Igneous Complex. A document providing the...

UK Airline Financial Tables

Annual Profit and Loss, Airline Appropriation & Balance Sheet statistics are collected from all major UK Airlines (those whose total fleet exceeds 200 Tonnes maximum take off weight...

Groundwater level data from Punjab and Haryana, India (NERC grant NE/I022434/1)

Groundwater level measurements collected by the state groundwater boards of Punjab and Haryana states, India, and by the Central Groundwater Board. The data consist of well locations and...

Service Lives of R&D Assets

This suite of three articles will present ONS research into the useful life of R&D, which is due to be capitalised in the UK National Accounts from 2014. It compares estimates made using new...

L chondrite meteorite phosphate microscopy and U-Pb analyses (NERC Grant NE/L002507/1)

Microscopy (Scanning Electron Microscopy, Cathodoluminescence Imaging) and U-Pb isotopic (Secondary Ionisation Mass Spectrometry) analyses of phosphate minerals in a suite of nine L chondrite...

Services Producer Price Indices

The Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) are primarily a suite of individual price indices that provide information on price change for a limited range of service industries. Each SPPI captures...

England and Wales "1-Inch" geological map sheet petrological sample archive

Sometimes known as the "One-Inch Collection", this is an archival collection of rock samples collected by BGS field staff during surveys within England and Wales, arranged by 1-inch (or 50 K) scale...

Additional sample list for the SoS RARE project (Security of Supply of Rare Earths) (NERC Grant NE/M01147X/1)

This dataset is an additional sample list, as an Excel spreadsheet, providing details of the major sample suites collected by Delia Cangelosi during SoS RARE and not added to the master spreadsheet...

Services Producer Price Index

The Services Producer Price Index (SPPI) are primarily a suite of individual price indices that provide information on price change for a limited range of service industries. Each SPPI captures...

BGS Geoscience Thesaurus

The BGS Geoscience Thesaurus contains approximately 6000 descriptor terms for concepts in the geoscience and related subjects. Some entries have scope notes to further explain the term. The...

National Real Time Water Quality Data

Real time water quality data is collected using equipment provided by the National Water Quality Instrumentation Service and is deployed by area teams within the Environment Agency. The link...

Consumer Prices Inflation Basket of Goods and Services 2014

The 'shopping basket' of items making up the suite of consumer price inflation indices (CPI, CPIH, RPIJ & RPI) are reviewed every year. Some items are taken out of the basket, some are brought...

Integrated Household Survey

The Integrated Household Survey (IHS) is the largest social survey ever produced by the Office for National Statistics (ONS). The survey is comprised of a core suite of questions from current ONS...