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Free School Meals (FSM)

Pupils eligible for Free School Meals (FSM): Maintained nursery, primary and secondary schools Source: Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Publisher: Department for Children...

Free School Meals

Numbers of eligible pupils and the take up of Free School Meals (__FSM__) for Maintained York Local Authority Schools (Excludes dual registered subsidiary pupils). All data is taken from the...

Free School Meals by Ward - Secondary Schools

Number of Calderdale Secondary School (Academies and Local Authority Schools) Eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) by Ward.

Free School Meals by Ward - Primary Schools

Number of Calderdale Primary School (Academies and Local Authority Schools) Eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) by Ward

Free School Meal Provision by Ward 2021-22

This dataset contains the number of students by Leicester Ward, the number of these in receipt of universal infant free School Meals and the number of receipt of other free school meals based on...

Summary Statistics for Attainment, Leaver Destinations and School Meals

Provides statistics on school meals, post appeal qualifications and school leaver destinations. Source agency: Scottish Government Designation: Official Statistics not designated as National...

Free School Meals - Secondary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Secondary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Free School Meals - Primary Schools

Number of pupils eligible for Free School Meals in Calderdale Primary Schools (Academies and Local Authority Maintained Schools); the data source is the termly school census. Academy data is only...

Food Banks and Free Meal Providers

Food banks/free meal providers and services in Calderdale (that we are aware of). This data only focuses on food, providing data on the organisers, contact and address details and opening...

% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Danesgate)

% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Danesgate)

% of children taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

% of children taking a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Danesgate)

% of children who are eligible for a free school meal in the secondary sector (excluding Danesgate)

% of children taking a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

% of children taking a free school meal in the primary sector (excluding Danesgate) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

School Pupils Numbers on Roll, and Free School Meals

This dataset shows: • Pupil Numbers on Roll (NOR) in Lincolnshire schools. NOR is the total number of pupils on school rolls. • Pupils receiving Free School Meals, numbers and percentages. The...

Pupil attainment by Free School Meal (FSM) eligibility: Key Stage 2

Information about the National Curriculum Key Stage 2 (KS2) test results for pupils in maintained schools in England. The dataset includes the total number of pupils taking KS2 tests and the...

Pupil attainment by Free School Meal (FSM) eligibility: Key Stage 1

Information about the National Curriculum Key Stage 1 (KS1) teacher assessment results for pupils in maintained schools in England. The dataset includes the total number of pupils eligible for KS1...

Total number of children who are eligible for a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Total number of children who are eligible for a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

NI 102 - Achievement gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers achieving the expected level at Key Stages 2 and 4

The percentage point gap between pupils eligible for free schools meals (FSM) achieving at least Level 4 in English and Maths at Key Stage (KS) 2, and their peers. The percentage point gap between...

Pupil attainment by Free School Meal (FSM) eligibility: Key Stage 3

The figures presented here provide information about the National Curriculum Key Stage 3 (KS3) test results for pupils in maintained schools in England. The results refer to the achievements of KS3...

Total number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)

Total number of children who are eligible and taking a free school meal - (York LA Local Measure) - (Jan Census Snapshot)